Free Market Essay Contest

KSU's Bagwell Center for the Study of Markets and Economic Opportunity and the Foundation for Economic Education are now accepting submissions for the inaugural Free Market Essay Contest. This year's topic explores the tension between freedom and equality.


Johan Norberg argues that the choice is: “free or equal”. Based on your personal experiences, have you found this to be true? Write an essay in support of your position, referring to the work of scholars such as Norberg (e.g., his book “The Capitalist Manifesto” and film “Free or Equal”), Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek, and Adam Smith.

Entry criteria

  1. Must be enrolled as a KSU undergraduate student.
  2. Essays must be 1000-1200 words.
  3. Submissions must be through the form below on this page.
  4. Submissions must be the author’s own work. Any elements derived from other published sources or the work of other writers must be acknowledged. Copyright infringement, plagiarism, and failure to provide adequate attribution will not be tolerated.
  5. All content submitted to FEE must be your original work and not previously published elsewhere. Do not submit AI-generated content in whole or part. 

First Place Prize: $500
Second Place Prize: $300
Third Place Prize: $200

Prize winners must be available to attend the Bagwell Center's Annual Dinner in Atlanta, GA on March 21st, 2025.

Winning essays may be published on FEE's webpage.

Additional Submission criteria based on FEE submissions.

The deadline to submit your essay is February 21st, 2025.