KENNESAW, Ga. | Jul 27, 2022
Kun Suo received an NSF grant titled "SHF: Small: Rethinking Virtualization at the Edge to Support Highly-efficient and Lowpower Applications" from the Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) Software and Hardware Foundations (SHF) of the National Science Foundation in June.
NSF Award for a new project titled "ALAMOSE: Authentic Learning Modules for DevOps Security Education" from Security and Trustworthy Cyberspace program. This is a 3-year collaborative project among 3 institutes - KSU, Tennessee Tech, and Tuskegee University. Kudos to all the collaborators (Drs. Shahriar (PI), Whitman (co-PI), Mattord (co-PI), Valero (co-PI), Khan (co-PI))
The GenCyber program seeks to ignite and sustain cybersecurity interest at the K-12 level in order to build a competent, diverse, and adaptable cybersecurity workforce pipeline through alignment with the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C). Hossain Shahriar (PI/Camp-director), Maria Valero (Co-PI/Campcodirector), Liang Zhao (Co-PI), Seyedamin Pouriyeh (Co-PI), Lei Li (co-PI), Mia Plachkinova (Co-PI), Michael Whitman (co-PI), Herbert Mattord (Co-PI)
Gerber Foundation research grant funded for Austin Brown (SDSA) and Mark Geil (Assoc. Dean of Research in Wellstar College) for the project "Toward a Quantitative Understanding of Infant Crawling Development".
"Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring." by Dr. Maria Valero. A provisional patent application was filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on July 19, 2022, by KSU to protect the invention developed by Dr. Maria Valero of a NonInvasive Blood Glucose Monitoring prototype and blood estimation procedure based on light spectroscopy and artificial neural networks.
Congrats to students and faculty on an award winning paper for the IEEE ICHI 2022 Conference on Health Informatics! This paper received the Best Paper Award! Those who assisted are Md. Jobair Hossain Faruk, Shashank Trivedi, Mohammad Masum, Maria Valero, Hossain Shahriar, and Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed.
Dr. George Markowsky and Dean Sumanth Yenduri were invited to attend CRA Snowbird Conference. The biennial CRA Conference at Snowbird is the flagship invitation-only conference for the leadership of the North American computing research community.