KENNESAW, Ga. | Feb 28, 2023
February Achievements Faculty, Staff and Students. CONGRATULATIONS and WELL DONE!
Congratulations to Dr. Bobin Deng, Dr. Patrick Bobbie, and Kun Suo who received a collaborative funding, Affordable Learning Georgia Affordable Materials Grant for $15,000.
Congratulations to Dr. Soon Lee (PI) and Nasrin Dehbozorgi (Co-PI) have receievd a $5,000 KSU grant under the SPECIAL RESEARCH INITIATIVE program on a project titled "AI-Based Discourse Analysis System (ADAS) for K-12 Science Classrooms".
Congratulations to PI: Selena He, Shirley Tian. Senior Personnel: Anyoung Lee, Xinyue Zhang, Maria Valero, Xinyan Zhang, Sylvia Bhattacharya who received funding by NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates award amount: $323,650 for 3 years. Project titled: “REU Site: Non-Invasive Deep Brain-Computer Interfaces”
Congratulations to Lead PI: Shirley Tian, PIs: Chi Zhang, Hossain Shahriar, Jack Zheng, Seyedamin Pouriyeh. Their proposal for continuous development in MSIT courses was funded by Affordable Learning Georgia Affordable Materials Grant for $10,000 for 1 year.
Kimberly Gomes, a minor in Applied Statistics and Analytics had the honor of presenting her research on "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Suicidality, and Stress: The Moderating Role of Dysfunctional and Recovery Cognitions" at Posters at the Georgia Capitol. Posters at the Georgia State Capitol is an annual event hosted by the Georgia Undergraduate Research Collective where only four selected undergraduate students from the state of Georgia present their posters to state legislators.
The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia recognizes one student annually from each of its institutions for the Regents’ Academic Recognition Day. Eliott Larez was nominated, representing the College of Computing and Software Engineering and the KSU Journey Honors College, to represent Kennesaw State University.
1st Place Winners The Scrapettes
Ella Goode, Mason Valles, Jaime McBride
2nd Place Winners - Mayans
Naga Sai Krishna Adatrao, Ayush Patel, Manohar Murikipudi
3rd Place Winners - Avalanche
Joel Roche, Ibrahima Gueye, Esmerelda Rangel
1st Place Winners - Team Friendship
Ashton Forde, Dion Green, Justin Bull
2nd Place Winners - Team WAM
Eric Weese, Aidan Mitchell, Yemi Agesin
3rd Place Winners - Avalanche
Jeffery Felshaw, Mahliq Obie, Chris Quashie