Sponsor Computing Showcase (C-Day)

Sponsoring a Capstone Project and/or the Capstone Showcase is an amazing opportunity to work with undergraduate/graduate/PHD students to train the next generation of computing experts.  Sponsorship has a variety of benefits and can often help the sponsors meet a variety of their needs.

C-Day Project Sponsor with their winning students and project


Do you have a great idea for a project and want to know more about the process - please fill out this form and we can help!

Capstone Proposal Form

C-Day Testimonials


CCSE Students Interacting with Industry Experts

Most of the projects were focused on modern problems and solutions, which shows that the students are being taught up-to-date and relevant skills.

Project Sponsor


Ayokunle Ijagbemi

C-Day to me means innovation, creativity, and progress.

Ayokunle Ijagbemi

KSU Student


Industry Experts Interacting with CCSE Students

There was a great variance in the projects, with some directly addressing current needs in the tech industry, which made the event not only educational but also highly applicable.

Project Sponsor

Sponsor Benefits Can Include:

  • Company logo displayed on website, printed marketing materials, social media, and at the event
  • Semester-long student recruiting and mentoring opportunities of capstone groups
  • Potential solution to your challenge—designed, built, and tested for one and two semester projects
  • Spotlights across CCSE social channels, including Instagram & LinkedIn
  • College wide recruiting opportunities, including exclusive events in the Atrium building.
  • Participation as official judge at C-Day
  • Guest speaking opportunities in and out of the classroom.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about sponsoring a Capstone Project or the Showcase itself, please reach out to the CCSE Director of Development, Will McKenna via email or 470-884-2084.

Event Highlights

As an online student, C-Day lets me actually meet the people I've been working with this whole semester, and we get to showcase what we've worked on.

CCSE Student

I appreciate being included in your event. I'm impressed by the creativity and effort shown by the students. Their readiness to tackle real-world problems is commendable.

Project Sponsor

C-Day is a great platform to meet different industry people and explain our model to them.

CCSE Student