Sponsor Computing Showcase (C-Day)

Sponsoring a Capstone Project and/or the Capstone Showcase is an amazing opportunity to work with undergraduate/graduate/PHD students to train the next generation of computing experts.  Sponsorship has a variety of benefits and can often help the sponsors meet a variety of their needs.

C-Day Project Sponsor with their winning students and project


Do you have a great idea for a project and want to know more about the process - please fill out this form and we can help!

Capstone Proposal Form

Sponsor Benefits Can Include:

  • Company logo displayed on website, printed marketing materials, social media, and at the event
  • Semester-long student recruiting and mentoring opportunities of capstone groups
  • Potential solution to your challenge—designed, built, and tested for one and two semester projects
  • Spotlights across CCSE social channels, including Instagram & LinkedIn
  • College wide recruiting opportunities, including exclusive events in the Atrium building.
  • Participation as official judge at C-Day
  • Guest speaking opportunities in and out of the classroom.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about sponsoring a Capstone Project or the Showcase itself, please reach out to the CCSE Director of Development, Will McKenna via email or 470-884-2084.