Ph.D. with (MSCS) Embedded
Curriculum for the PhD in Data Science and Analytics with an embedded MS in Computer
Science (all courses are 3 credit hours unless otherwise specified):
Year 1
Fall |
Spring |
- CS 8265 – Big Data Analytics
- CS Elective (6000 or 7000 level)
- STAT 8250 – Data Mining II
After completion of Year One, students will take a Data Science Qualifying Exam for consideration to be accepted into the PhD in Data Science and Analytics Program. A separate application to the PhD program should be submitted by the Feb. 1 deadline. Please make sure to check the admission requirements as they are different than the MS program. |
Year 2
Column Title 1 |
Column Title 2 |
- 2 CS Electives (6000 or 7000 level)
- MATH 8030 - Discrete Optimization
- CS Elective (8000 level)
- MATH 8020 – Graph Theory
- DS 7900 – Data Science Applied Project
After completion of Year Two, students are expected to have completed the requirements
for the MS in Computer Science. |
Year 3
Column Title 1 |
Column Title 2 |
- DS 9700 - Data Science Doctoral Applied Research Lab (3 hours)
- CS Electives (8000 level) (6 credit hours)
- DS 9700 - Data Science Doctoral Applied Research Lab (3 hours)
- CS Electives (8000 level) (6 credit hours)
After completion of Year Three, students will prepare and present a formal research
proposal. |
Year 4
Fall |
Spring |
- DS 9700 - Data Science Doctoral Applied Research Lab
- DS 9900 – Data Science Doctoral Dissertation
- DS 9700 - Data Science Doctoral Applied Research Lab
- DS 9900 – Data Science Doctoral Dissertation
After completion of Year Four, students will defend a dissertation proposal. |
Year 5
Column Title 1 |
Column Title 2 |
- DS 9700 - Data Science Doctoral Applied Research Lab
- DS 9900 – Data Science Doctoral Dissertation
- DS 9700 - Data Science Doctoral Applied Research Lab
- DS 9900 – Data Science Doctoral Dissertation
After completion of Year Five, students will defend a final dissertation.
* Students with no previous CS training will be required to complete a Foundations in Computer Science course (MOOC version of CS5040) for no credit hours in the preceding summer. Students with no previous STAT degrees will have to complete STAT7010 and STAT8/7210 for credit hours in the preceding summer.