American Institute of Architecture Students
Since 1956, the American Institute of Architecture Students has been the voice of students to the educational system and the profession of architecture and design in North America and beyond. The association helps to build interest and enrich the educational experience of students and others in architecture and design.
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Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity (APX)
Alpha Rho Chi is the national fraternity for architecture and the allied arts. The brotherhood unites men and women for the purpose of fellowship, lifelong friendships and mutual interest in professional development. This is exemplified by the fraternity’s motto: Fidelitas, Amor et Artes or “Fidelity and Love of the Arts.”
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The National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS)
NOMA, which thrives only when voluntary members contribute their time and resources, has as its mission the building of a strong national organization, strong chapters and strong members.
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