Building and Studio Hours for Visual Arts and Chastain Pointe
Monday through Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Friday: 7:50 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday: 12:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Sunday: 12:00 to 6:30 p.m.
Studio Coordinator: Mary Beck Pinston
Office: Visual Arts 223B
Phone: 470-578-6557
Visual Arts Building
The Visual Art Building of the Kennesaw campus has 32,000 square feet of state-of-the-art studio and classroom spaces. The building's central atrium hallways are illuminated with natural light and student artwork is often displayed throughout the building. There are four computer studios with iMacs and Cintiq monitors and one PC studio with Cintiq monitors. These studios support our Applied Arts programs: Graphic Communications, Digital Animation, Illustration, and Sequential Art. There are over 90 computers and 80 Cintiqs available for our students in this facility. Program descriptions list equipment available for students in the classroom studios.
Address: 411 Bartow Ave NW, Room 202, Kennesaw 30144
3D Tech Lab
The School of Art and Design 3D Tech Lab is located in the upper level of the Visual Arts Building, Room 223. It is equipped with more than 30 3D printers that allow students and faculty to print projects for classes and explore the technology. Additionally, the lab has equipment for 3d Scanning and VR sculpting, which can be used for special projects. This lab facilitates new research in sculpture, ceramics, digital animation, art history, and art education.
3D Print Lab Hours:
Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday 9:00AM – 6:00PM 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
3:00PM – 6:00PMStudents or professors seeking general information can contact
The lab is currently overseen by Associate Professor Jeff Campana. For specific inquiries please contact him at
Media Lab
The KSU School of Art and Design Media Lab is located on the Kennesaw Campus on the 2nd floor of the Visual Arts building Room 208. The lab houses professional printers for high quality prints, professional scanners, large format printers, folders and stitchers. All active students and faculty have access to the lab’s resources and equipment for class projects and research during appropriate hours.
- Everyone must supply their own paper.
- Everyone must pay to print.
- Faculty can reserve the lab during class hours.
- Students can make an appointment and access the open lab during open hours.
Media Lab Hours:
Lab is available by reservation only.
Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday & Sunday 9:00AM – 10:00PM 12:00PM – 10:00PM
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Pricing:
8.5"x11" 13"x19" 17"x22" 44" Large Format $2 + tax $4 + tax $8 + tax $1 for every linear inch + tax
44" paper is provided.
Pricing example. The paper is 44” wide, the price is based on the length of the print, so a 44” wide and 22” long, print will cost $22.
Email with any questions or equipment issues
Approved Paper Types
Everyone must supply their own paper.
Where you get the paper and what size you get is up to you, but it must be an approved Epson paper type. The only paper provided is the 44" large format paper.
Epson Gloss Paper Epson Matte Paper

Chastain Pointe 115 Studios
Chastain Pointe 115 houses the studios for the Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking programs. Opened in Fall 2020, each drawing and painting studio has over 1400 square feet of workspace. The printmaking studio is comprised of approximately 7000 square feet. It houses distinct working areas for book arts, intaglio, letterpress, lithography, papermaking, relief, and serigraphy.
Address: 1200 Chastain Road, Suite 115, Kennesaw 30144
Computer Lab
The KSU School of Art and Design Chastain Pointe Computer Lab is located in room 115N. The lab houses a printer, scanners, computers and an art photography station. All active students and faculty have access to the lab’s resources and equipment for class projects and research during appropriate hours.
W. Claire Harris Textiles Center
The W. Claire Harris Textiles Center on the Marietta campus is home to our Apparel and Textiles program. With over 8200 square feet dedicated to the program, the facility has a 100-seat lecture hall, two computer labs with Macs, high-end PCs, and Cintiq monitors, a 3,000-square-foot studio, a sewing lab, and classrooms.
Address: 1100 S. Marietta Parkway Marietta, GA 30060