The Student Technology Fee Advisory Committee (STFAC) is a college-wide advisory group that enhances information technology (IT) governance by reviewing budgets and approving the allocation of Student Technology Fee (STF) funds. The STFAC was formed in 2018 with the endorsement of the Student Government Association, Faculty Senate, and Chairs and Directors Assembly, and includes representatives from each of these groups.
The STFAC’s primary role is to serve as a representative advisory body for the allocation of Student Technology Fee (STF) funds. The STFAC aims to ensure a transparent and open process for managing technology-related funding requests at KSU.
STF funds are used for the following:
Once these needs have been addressed, remaining STF funds are available for additional requests.
Requests for funding should be for one-time expenses only, not for recurring costs. However, STF funds can be used to launch new solutions, with the understanding that the requesting department is responsible for securing ongoing funding.
Please note that because funds are limited, requests under $50,000 have the highest chance of being approved.
Requests for STF funding must be submitted by September 1st for the Fall semester
and by March 1st for the Spring semester.
The STFAC reviews these requests during the standard meetings during the first week
of October and the first week in April.
To submit a request, please view the Student Technology Fee Special Funding Request Form button below.
Student Technology Fee Special Funding Request Form
1. UITS Technology Review: The Chief Information Officer (CIO) and relevant UITS teams review the request and
address any potential concerns. Once concerns have been resolved, the request proceeds
to the next stage.
2. STFAC Review and Vote: The STFAC evaluates the request, seeks additional information as needed, and votes on approval. Approved requests are added to the approved STF request list, and requesters receive notification of the decision via email.
Committee members are appointed by the CIO in coordination with the Executive Admin, who does all of the following:
Process facilitation is managed by IT Operations.
Have questions about Student Technology Fee funding or the allocation process? The Student Technology Fee Advisory Committee (STFAC) is here to help! Whether you’re submitting a funding request, seeking information about committee procedures, or need guidance on IT governance, we’re your go-to resource.
Email us today to learn more about how STF funds are supporting technology advancements at Kennesaw State!
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