
The research project, Supporting Multilingual Learners and Their Teachers, Parents, and Communities (MLTPC), aims to enhance educational experiences for immigrant-origin and language-minority learners in our schools and communities locally and internationally. The collective, inter-connected research projects aim to unpack the ways in which language, culture, identity, agency, power, and ideology affects learning and teaching for immigrant multilingual learners. Through the MLTPC project, this research team hopes to support teachers and immigrant families in disrupting the pervasive monolingual ideology and advocate for a more multi-lingual and -literate society.

Experience Gained

Students will learn all aspects of education and social sciences research, including but not limited to:

  • Scientific literature search and review.
  • Academic writing, including manuscript and grant writing.
  • Participant recruitment.
  • Research project development.
  • Data collection, organization, and management.
  • Interviewing skills and transcription of interviews.
  • Analyses and interpretation of results.
  • Research presentations and public speaking.

Students will also expand knowledge on and gain experience in:

  • Dual Language and Bilingual Education (DLBE) programs.
  • Curriculum development and evaluation.
  • Collaborative work with a public elementary school and a school district.
  • Classroom observations and co-teaching.
  • Trilingual families’ languages practices from justice-oriented perspectives in the United States.
  • Bilingual education for ethnolinguistically minoritized populations in South Korea.
  • Anti-bias, multicultural, and global perspectives.
  • Best practices in multilingual language and literacy education.

Majors and Interests Needed

  • Education
  • International Conflict Management
  • Asian Studies
  • English
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Political Science
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • World Languages and Cultures

Team Advisors and Additional Faculty Collaborator

Jayoung Choi, Ph.D.
Professor of TESOL and Bilingual Education
Email: jchoi44@kennesaw.edu

Tuba Angay-Crowder, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher of TESOL
Email: tangaycr@kennesaw.edu

Jihye Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Educational Research
Email: jkim192@kennesaw.edu