
The project aims to build a final prototype for the next generation solar energy technology. The US patented technology increases the power generation of solar Photovoltaic systems operating under partial shading. The overall objective of the VIP project is to build, test and prepare a prototype ready for a startup commercialization. 

Experience Gained

The followings are the tasks needed for the project. Each student will have the opportunity to work on one or more of these tasks:

  • Research image processing tools and power converters and prepare a literature survey.
  • Collect data and images at various shading scenarios.
  • Conduct computer simulations.
  • Solder circuit elements and build a power converter.
  • Program and implement codes for a microcontroller.
  • Test the power converter under variety of conditions. 
  • Write research papers and present at a conference.
  • Investigate commercialization strategies suitable for the technology. 

Majors and Interests Needed

  • All Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Software Engineering
  • Physics

Team Advisor

Yousef Mahmoud, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Email: ymahmoud@kennesaw.edu