
This project aims to conduct engineering research and develop various futuristic IoT products and IoT technology solutions. In our first year, we plan to begin with developing an IoT-enabled sensor system for automated smart gardening and precision farming applications. The specific objective is to design and develop an IoT-enabled electronic device equipped with multiple sensors to monitor soil moisture, pH, conductivity, temperature, and light intensity to facilitate automated irrigation control, thus minimizing water waste and maximizing farming yield. Our aim in the next two years is to build the end product, evaluate its performance, produce an off-the-shelf deployable prototype, and seek opportunities for startup commercialization.

Experience Gained

  • Conduct high-impact research to develop a real-life IoT product.
  • Design circuits, PCB layouts, and perform circuit simulations.  
  • Fabricate circuits, integrate sensors, and program microcontrollers.
  • Design experiments and perform tests.
  • Collect, analyze and interpret experimental data.
  • Develop android/iOS apps to interface with the smart farming/gardening sensors.
  • Prepare manuscripts for publications and/or conference presentations.
  • Survey potential market size and identify commercialization opportunities.

Majors and Interests Needed

  • All Engineering Majors
  • Electrical Engineering Technology
  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Software Engineering
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Business

Team Advisors

Dr. Sandip Das (PI)
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Dr. Hai Ho
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: hho3@kennesaw.edu
Dr. Sumit Chakravarty
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: schakra2@kennesaw.edu

Dr. Valmiki Sooklal
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Email: vsooklal@kennesaw.edu

Dr. Gregory Quinet
Executive Director, Robin and Doug Shore Entrepreneurship Center, Coles College of Business
Email: gquinet@kennesaw.edu

Dr. Walter Thain
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: wthain@kennesaw.edu