The Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program

The Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) program is designed to facilitate long-term research involving large teams of faculty/staff members and students. The students gain valuable research skills and academic credit through their participation, and faculty are able to scale up their research through the framework provided by VIP.

VIP is an established program with sites at universities all around the world.

Key Characteristics of VIP Teams Include the Following

  • ksu student in lab using their notebook.
    They are large
    , often involving multiple faculty and staff members, 10-20 undergraduates, multiple graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, community or organizational partners, etc. Beginning projects may start smaller than this and scale up over time. 

  • They are interdisciplinary, involving multiple perspectives to solve big problems. The interdisciplinary perspective often comes from the recruitment of students from diverse majors. The interdisciplinarity may also come from having faculty investigators from diverse disciplines.

  • They are based in faculty research interests, which allows teams to thrive for several years and helps advance the scholarly agendas of KSU's faculty members. Faculty bring their expertise and enthusiasm to their VIP teams.

  • They are aimed at big issues in the discipline(s). Consider just a few examples from VIP programs at other institutions: 

We are excited to be a part of this initiative, and we invite you explore more at this website. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Research at

Explore the Possibilities

In this video, Amy Budde from KSU's Office of Undergraduate Research discusses the resources available for students interested in research, emphasizing inclusivity and support across disciplines. Get to know the various avenues for involvement, including finding faculty mentors, utilizing an online listing portal, and joining the Undergraduate Research Club. Funding options like the First Year Scholars Program and support for conferences and materials are also available. We are dedicated to helping students showcase their work through publications, presentations, and an annual symposium opportunities.

We encourage all students to explore further through the website or email for more information!