Research and Conference Support

2023 - 2024

    Ahlan Filstrup, English Bryn Gravitt Teaching to Everyone: Inclusion and Diversity in Composition Classes
    Ameesha Narine, Psychology Shubam Sharma The Role of Sense of Purpose in Health Navigation among Marginalized Older Adults 
    An Truong, Accounting Lauren Matheny Foot and Ankle Activity Level Scale (FAALS) Normative Values in the General Adult Population
    Anh Duong, Computer Science Maria Valero Voice Assistants in Healthcare: The Case of GlucoCheck
    Anna Elizabeth Clark, Elementary Education Preethi Titu Elementary Preservice Teachers (PSTs) perception of STEM in an Integrated Science Course
    Asher Flanagan, Mechanical Engineering Jungkyu Park Impact on Wrinkled Graphene
    Aubrey Cook, Psychology Gail Scott The Effects of COVID-19 on Self-Concept and Mental Healthy Attitudes in University Students
    Ben McKinney, Mechanical Engineering Ashish Aphale Faradaic and Non-Faradaic Charge Transfer Mechanism for Energy Storage Systems
    Caitlyn Hume, Psychology Dorothy Marsil Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Adolescents Who Have Experienced Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking
    Caitlynn Campbell, Interactive Design Bryn Gravitt Teaching to Everyone: Inclusion and Diversity in Composition Classes
    Charles Koduru, Mechatronics Engineering Muhammad Hassan Tanveer A Robust Optimal Control Technique for Pitch Control of an Aeropendulum
    Christian Sao, Electrical Engineering Sumit Chakravarty Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Transmission Modes in LTE
    Connor Talley, Mechanical Engineering Ayse Tekes Design and Development of Remote Operated and Soft Biomimetic Amphibious Mud Skipper
    Corene Fuller, Biology Sharon Pearcey Examining the Relationship Between Test Anxiety, Cortisol, and Fear Extinction in Students
    Courtney Everett, Psychology Gail Scott The Effects of COVID-19 on Self-Concept and Mental Health Attitudes in University Students
    Cristina Cuartero, Industrial Engineering Technology Awatef Ergai Examining the Hybrid Virtual Nursing Care Model in Acute Care Settings
    Daisie Johnson, Mechatronics Engineering Muhammad Hassan Tanveer Design and Implementation of a Cost-Effective Semi-Autonomous Scissor Lift Robot for Industrial Material Handling
    Daniel Byers, Mechatronics Engineering Muhammad Hassan Tanveer

    Enhancing Accessibility and Affordability of Mobile Robotic Platforms Through MMATR: A Modular Machine-Learning Autonomous Trainable Rover
    Diana Salamaga, Mechatronics Engineering Razvan Voicu

    Intelligent Facade Innovation (Ifi) Using Iiot, Digital Twin, and Next-Gen Architecture Designs
    Emily Jackson, Computer Science

    Sanghoon Lee

    Comprehensive Experiments on Breast Cancer Hematoxylin and Eosin-stained Images using UNet
    Emily Manqueros, Physics Kisa S. Ranasinghe

    Transient Nucleation Rates in Lithium Disilicate
    Hannah Hatcher, Human Services Jennifer Purcell

    Conducting a Program Evaluation for a Community-Engaged Scholar Network: Program Evaluation Proposal for the Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop  
    Hannah Walden, Marketing Daniel Farr

    Transgender Legislation: How Politics is Shaped by Social Discourse
    Iti Shah, Mechatronics Engineering Muhammad Salman

    Cost-Effective Method Using Force Sensors for Chiropractic Teaching 
    Jake Irvin, Mechanical Engineering Ashish Aphale Role of Carbon-based Nanocomposite for Energy Storage
    Jalyn Lankford, Human Services Cameron Greensmith Storytelling as Relational Practice: Critically Engaging Class-Based Inequality in Growing Up Poor
    Jared Wilson, Accounting Page Burch

    From Patterns to Polygons: A Recontextualization of Historic Relics Through Digital Technologies
    Jordan Scurry, Mechanical Engineering

    Dal Hyung Kim

    Characterization of Swimming Locomotion of Soft MilliRobots 
    Katie (Seoeun) Cho, Mechanical Engineering Paul Lee

    Low-Cost Shortwave-Infrared Spectroscopy (SWIRS) for Stroke Risk Screening in Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease 
    Katie Moerschel, Biology Vishnu Suppiramaniam Prenatal Cannabinoid Exposure Affects Memory through Alterations in Glutamatergic Receptor Exposure
    Kelsey Potter, Psychology Dorothy Marsil Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Adolescents Who Have Experienced Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking
    Lucas Verdan Arcanjo Schwenck, Mechanical Engineering Ayse Tekes

    Virtual Laboratories for Vibrations and Mechanisms and Machines Courses
    Mason Cox, Mechatronics Engineering Muhammad Hassan Tanveer Planar Trajectory Simulation for Lunar CanSats Using Wheeled Ground Robot
    Maya Maqousi, Psychology Chanler Hilley

    Patterns of Violence Exposure Before and After COVID: Connections with Externalizing Behaviors
    Natalie Jimenez, Human Services Jennifer Purcell

    Conducting a Program Evaluation for a Community-Engaged Scholar Network
    Nikki Wendt, Psychology Gail Scott

    The Effects of COVID-19 on Self-Concept and Mental Healthy Attitudes in University Students
    Preston Brantley, Mechanical Engineering Razvan Voicu

    It's All About Context
    Rebecca Senft, Biology Matthew P. Weand

    Does Urban Heat Island Effect Provide a  Competitive Edge for Invasive Species?
    Sahil Bardai, Biology Sharon Pearcey Examining the Relationship Between Trait Anxiety, Cortisol, and Fear Extinction
    Seema Steele, Human Services Cameron Greensmith Storytelling as Relational Practice: Critically Engaging Class-Based Inequality in Growing Up Poor
    Shrey Patel, Mechatronics Engineering Muhammad Hassan Tanveer Data Collection, Heat Map Generation for Crack Detection Using Robotic Dog Fused with FLIR Sensor​
    Simon Bratescu, Mechanical Engineering Jungkyu Park Thermal Transport Study of KCl-UCl3 Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
    Sophie Vincent, Biology Brian Moore 

    Examining the Utility of The Military Service Sleep Assessment in U.S. Veterans
    Tara Joshi, Electrical Engineering Beibei Jiang

    Analyzing Internal
    Resistance in Lithium Nickel Cobalt Oxide (LiNiCoO) Vehicle Batteries for Enhanced SOC and SOH Prediction
    Tris Day, Psychology Christina Salnaitis College Students’ Definitions of Intelligence and Giftedness: Influence of Growth and Fixed Mindset and Attitudes Towards Gifted Programs 
    Alyssa DeSantis, Biology Tsai-Tien Tseng

    Survey of Bacteriophages in Tibetan Glacier
    Andy Lewis, Integrated Health Science Kevin Gittner

    Crowdsourcing Survey Data Collection Services; A Comparison of Data Quality from Mturk, SurveyMonkey, and Qualtrics
    Anxhelo Gjermeni, Environmental Engineering M. A. Karim

    Impacts of Traffic on Particulate Matters In and Around Schools
    Benii Kalonda, Public Health Education Kevin Gittner

    How do Abortion-Related Societal Stigmas Post Roe v. Wade in Restrictive Abortion States such as Georgia Contribute to Birth-Aging (18-45) Women’s Psychological Distress and Mental Well-Being?
    Ben Goldberg, Mechatronics Engineering Razvan Voicu

    Manufacturing and Testing of an Axial Flux Brushless Motor with Custom Optimized Coil Winding Technique
    Brandon Solon, Computer Science Razvan Voicu Data Collection, Interpolation, and Analysis of Motor Efficiency In The Development of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Ironless Stator Motor With The Implementation of Custom Motor Windings 
    Brianna Greiner, Environmental Engineering M. A. Karim

    Impacts of Traffic on Particulate Matters in and Around Schools
    Camila Pena, Art Jeff Campana 3D Printing Clay Research Project
    Charlie Leon, Electrical Engineering Beibei Jiang

    Lithophilic Artificial Polymeric Grain Boundaries for Garnet Ceramic Solid Electrolyte towards Dendrite-free and High-power-density All-solid-state Batteries
    Edwin Trejo-Rivera, Psychology Israel Sánchez-Cardona Moderating Role of Meaningful Work Among First Responders
    Elizabeth Ehme, Mathematics Eric Stachura

    Light Rays Passing Through Liquid Crystals 
    Evelyn Sanders, Electrical Engineering Beibei Jiang

    Printable Solid Electrolyte via Photopolymerization: Enabling Flexible Solar-Charging Batteries through Printing Technology
    Fernando Martinez, Electrical Engineering Razvan Voicu Design, Implementation, Analysis, and In Depth Electrical Evaluation of a Custom Modified Coil Winding in an Axial Flux Ironless Stator Brushless DC Motor, and Manufacturing of the Same
    Ibrahim Alamayreh, Civil Engineering M. A. Karim Evaluation of Portland Cement Concrete mixed with Fyl-Ash Type C
    Iris Giulianelli, Mechatronics Engineering Bo Li Developing a Specific Vibration Isolation System for Scanning Tunneling Microscope Break Junction (STM-BJ) Equipment for Charge Transport Measurement at Single Molecule Level
    Jordan Bailey, Mechanical Engineering Razvan Voicu

    Design and Manufacturing of a Hilbert Curve Axial Flux Ironless Stator with the Inclusion of Custom Motor Windings
    Kayla MacDonald, Biology Tsai-Tien Tseng In Silico Identification of Phage Candidates for Treatment and Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
    Keegen Ruggles, Mechanical Engineering Bo Li

    Synthesis of SiO2 Nanoparticles for Investigation of Colloidal Self-Assembly Under Non-Equilibrium Conditions
    Kevin Chong, Mechanical Engineering Simin Nasseri Accessing Strength and Resilience of Composite Structural Components with Intricate Internal Configurations
    Kevin Kellner, Mechanical Engineering Sandip Das Self-Powered Wearable Oxygen and Heartrate Monitoring Device for ICU Patients
    Klaudya Hernandez, Biology Ramya Rajagopalan

    Investigating the Role of Quorum Sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Transposon Mutants During Myxococcal Predation.
    Lily Wisner, Environmental Engineering

    M. A. Karim

    Impacts of Traffic on Air Pollutants PM2.5 and other Pollutants in and Around Schools
    Mason Prather, Computer Game Design and Development Sungchul Jung Use of Exoskeleton Chair for Posture Change in VR
    Olivia Smith, Media and Entertainment Anna Weinstein Women Writers of Film & Television (WWFTV) Digital Humanities Project
    Stuart Suttle, Civil Engineering M. A. Karim

    Portland Cement Concrete Behavior mixed with Fly-Ash Type F
    Tara Joshi, Electrical Engineering Beibei Jiang

    Integration of Solar Cell and Solid-State Batteries for flexible and All-Solid-State Solar Charging Batteries
    Tristan Bollenbaugh, Geospatial Sciences Ranbir Singh Kang

    Spatial Pattern of Sedimentation and Bed Roughness in a Local Fresh Water Reservoir: A Case Study of Frey Lake in Georgia
    Tyler Silvers, Mechanical Engineering Ashish Aphale

    Study of Area Specific Resistance on High-temperature Stainless Steel Alloys for SOFC
    Samyrah Soura, Public Health Education Kevin Gittner

    How do Abortion-Related Societal Stigmas in Restrictive Abortion States such as Georgia Contribute to Birth-Aging (18-45) Women’s Psychological Distress and Mental Well-Being Post the Overturning of Roe v. Wade? 
    Yvonne Thai, Mechanical Engineering Lei Shi

    Underwater Mechanical Testing Device for Tissue Assessment under In-Vivo State

2022 - 2023

    Chasidy Harris, Sociology Dan Farr
    Cards: A Discourse of Gender, Identity, and Social Definitions of the Family
    Aaron Stinebaugh, Electrical Engineering

    Justin Park

    Tritium absorption and capture through novel graphene materials
    Lakshay Battu, Mechanical Engineering Justin Park

    Novel Thermal Coating for High-Speed Aircrafts
    Kevin Tran, Mechanical Engineering Ayse Tekes

    Learning by Doing in the Dynamics and Mechanical Vibrations Courses using 3D Printed Materials
    Kimberly Gomes, Psychology Brian Moore

    Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Suicidality, and Stress: The Moderating Role of
    Dysfunctional and Recovery Cognitions
    Emily Glenn, Environmental Engineering Amy Gruss

    Microplastic fate and transport at a drinking water treatment plant
    Joshua Clounie, Mechatronics Razvan Voicu

    Optimization of an Intelligent Wheelchair: LiDAR and Camera Vision for Obstacle Avoidance
    Sahil Bardai, Biology

    Ebony Glover

    Understanding the Contributions of Hormonal Contraceptives and Cortisol Levels to Fear Learning in Women
    Semper Habib, Integrated Health Sciences

    Shubam Sharma

    Older Adults Share Challenges in their Life Story: Sense of Purpose as a Resource for Resilience
    James Poteat, Music

    Benjamin Wadsworth

    Presentation at the Joint Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, the Society for Ethnomusicology, and the Society for Music Theory in New Orleans, LA
    Charles Koduru, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Muhammad Tanveer

    Independent Optimization for Robot Path Planning and Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance
    Ayla McGinnis, Political Science Benjamin Taylor

    An Unnecessary Burden? Runoff Elections in Georgia
    Kate  Burgess, Psychology Christine Ziegler

    Mental health perceptions and self-confidence: A comparison of the perspectives of American and Peruvian university students
    Gabrielle Jones, Media and Entertainment Anna Weinstein

    LGBTQ Children's Television Creator Chris Nee: One Women’s Efforts to Diversify Characters on the Small Screen
    Cortney Calligan, Psychology Jennifer Willard The Big Five and Informant Behavior: Can Personality Predict when Students Snitch?
    William Wisener, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Razvan Voicu A Top-View Hand Gesture Recognition System for IoT Applications
    Kameron Farmer, Sport Management Nalani Butler

    2020: Black Athletes and Mental Health 
    Nicholos Givens, Sport Management Nalani Butler

    2020: Black Athletes and Mental Health 
    Terrance Hall, Mechatronics Muhammad Tanveer Mobile Aquatic & Nautical Technology Assistant (MANTA)
    Ben Hall, Mechatronics Muhammad Tanveer

    Occupancy Grid based autonomous vehicle navigation
    Ariel Owens, Anthropology and Asian Studies

    Tsai-Tien Tseng

    Enhanced Screening Methods for the Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex in Ancient Host Microbiomes
    Abby Doster, Psychology Sharon Pearcey

    Impact of Hormonal Contraceptives and Childhood Trauma on Fear Conditioning
    Erin Batarseh, Psychology Sharon Pearcey

    Impact of Hormonal Contraceptives and Childhood Trauma on Fear Conditioning
    Caitlin Callahan, Psychology Anisah Bagasra

    The Impact of Discrimination, Community Support, and Class Modalities on Burnout in College Students
    Danielle Podolin, Psychology Beth Kirsner

    The Improvement of Trauma-Informed Care for Women with MRKH Syndrome
    Tasi Levao, Psychology Christine Ziegler

    Mental health perceptions and self-confidence: A comparison of the
    perspectives of American and Peruvian university students
    Katherine Dobson, Biology

    Heather Sutton

    Vascular Plant Inventory of the Sheffield Wildlife Management Area
    Isabella Giordano, Music Education

    Nancy Conley

    An Examination of Jazz Bass Instruction in P-12 String/Orchestra Classes
    Steven Steele, Mechatronics Ravzan Voicu IEET HONET
    Chasidy Harris, Sociology Joel Crombez

    More than Censorship: How banning books reinforces Fear in our society
    Samyrah Soura, Public Health Education

    LaNita Wright

    Conditioned Distrust: Addressing Medical Distrust and COVID-19 Vaccinations
    Lilla McLendon, Molecular and Cellular Biology

    Anton Bryantsev

    Effects of Physical Activity on Again-Related Muscle Degerneration in the Fly Model
    Selma Atic, Molecular and Cellular Biology

    Anton Bryantsev

    Effects of physical activity on muscle degeneration in the fly model of muscle aging
    Ameesha Narine, Psychology

    Shubam Sharma

    The Role of Purpose in Navigating Health and Social Barriers in Marginalized Older Adults
    Blair Dilbeck, Information Systems

    Dominic Thomas

    Community Service: Octoprint Server at Kennesaw State University
    Daezha Jackson, Psychology

    Nicole Martin

    Choices for Family Growth: Infertility to Adoption
    Anh Duong, Computer Science

    Maria Valero

    Smart Voice Assistant for Non-Invasive IoT Software for Diabetes Management
    Kyle Rosales, Civil Engineering

    M.A. Karim

    Behavior Analysis of Cement Concrete with Waste Rubber Materials
    Brian Banderas, Civil Engineering

    M.A. Karim

    Behavior Analysis of Cement Concrete with Waste Rubber Materials
    Connor Berger, Electrical Engineering

    Paul Lee

    Small Separation Speckle Contrast Optical Spectroscopy for Intraoperative Evaluation of Parathyroid Glands Viability
    Jacob Womack, Electrical Engineering

    Paul Lee

    Handheld wireless optical device for intraoperative assessment of parathyroid gland perfusion
    Chris Parra, Construction Engineering

    M.A. Karim

    Behavior Analysis of Cement Concrete with Waste Glass Materials
    Ryan Dumont, Mechanical Engineering

    Bo Li

    Large-area 2D colloidal microchannel formation under non-equilibrium condition
    Hannah Robertson, English

    Nina Morgan

    Highlighting Diverse Leaders to Empower Children
    Tasi Levao, Psychology

    Nina Morgan

    Women’s Leadership Roles in Children’s Literature on a Cross-Cultural Scale
    Heather Voraphongphibul, English

    Nina Morgan

    On Writing Women: Crafting a Dialogic Children’s Book for American and Moroccan Students
    Seleh Randolph, English

    Nina Morgan

    Complex accessibility: representing narratives of injustice, oppression, and resistance in children’s literature
    Emily Rodriguez-Jacobo, Industrial & Systems Engineering Robert Keyser

    Planned Behavior and Blood Donation Study
    Preston Bourquine, English Nina Morgan
    Children’s Book Project
    Ashley McNeal, Industrial & Systems Engineering Robert Keyser

    Planned Behavior and Blood Donation Study
    John Lawson, Computer Engineering

    Billy Kihei

    Dynamic Perimeter Movement Using UAVs and Robotic Systems
    Nya Roden, English

    Nina Morgan

    Women Leaders Stories
    Sierra Gehweiler, English

    Nina Morgan

    My Name is Nawal, Too: The Story of Nawal El Moutawakel
    Hope Didier, Biology

    Jonathan McMurry

    Utilization of a cell-penetrating peptide-adaptor for delivery of human papillomavirus protein E2 into cervical cancer cells to arrest cell growth and promote cell death
    Sophie Vincent, Biology

    Brian Moore

    Opioid Use Disorder in the Active Service: Incidence Rates and Behavioral Health Considerations
    Elijah Madaris, Electrical Engineering

    Sandip Das

    A Novel Low-cost Electronic Device for Remote Wireless Health Monitoring of Solar Modules
    Brianna Mack, Dance; Sociology McCree O'Kelley Barriers
    Savannah Banks, Dance

    McCree O'Kelley 10:01 PM
    Vu Nguyen, Civil Engineering

    M.A. Karim

    Behavior of cement concrete mixed with sewage sludge ash
    Matthew Henry, Civil Engineering

    M.A. Karim

    Behavior of cement concrete mixed with recycled waste scrap metals
    Abdulaziz Alebra, Civil Engineering

    M.A. Karim

    Behavior Analysis of Cement Concrete with Combination of Waste Rubber and Glass
    Ibrahim Alamayreh, Civil Engineering

    M.A. Karim

    Behavior Analysis of Cement Concrete with Combination of Waste Rubber and Plastic
    Mohamad Alamayreh, Civil Engineering

    M.A. Karim

    Behavior Analysis of Cement Concrete with Combination of Waste Plastic and Glass
    Venkata Naga Sai Sravani
    Ambadapudi, Environmental Engineering

    M.A. Karim

    Forensic Analysis on Micro-Structure of Portland Cement Concrete Mixed with Waste Materials
    Samantha Johnson, Environmental Engineering

    M.A. Karim

    Monitoring and Assessment of Air Pollutants in and Around Schools
    Michael Chapman, Environmental Science

    Troy Mutchler

    Estimating Blue Carbon Stocks in Native and Non-Native Seagrass Beds of Jobos Bay, PR
    Alex Torres, Mechanical Engineering

    Bo Li

    Temperature effect on non-equilibrium phase separation of colloidal PS latex particle for advanced manufacturing
    Raven Winant, Environmental Science

    Troy Mutchler

    Examining the Effects of Non-Native Seagrass Species on Sediment Chemistry in Jobos Bay, PR.
    Meghan Salain, Psychology Nicole Martin

    Music and Memories

2021 - 2022

    Rachel Zimmerman, Psychology

    Nicole Martin

    Maternal Choices and Outcomes in International Adoption
    Rebecca Senft, Biology

    Clint Penick

    Functional Role of Insect Microsculpturing in Abrasion Resistance
    James Poteat, Music Theory

    Ben Wadsworth

    Presentation at the Music Theory Society of New York State (MTSNYS) conference in
    Rochester, New York
    Sarah Limer, Biology

    Troy Mutchler

    Effects of Urbanization on Organic Matter Inputs and Food Webs
    Crockett Hensley, Mechatronics Engineering

    Matthew Marshall

    Off-Road Navigation with End-To-End Imitation Learning for Continuously Parameterized Control
    Cassie Hagler, Environmental Engineering


    Comparison of 2019 Monthly Emission Rates of: Volatile Organic Compounds
    (VOCs), Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2),
    Nitrogen Oxide (NO), PM2.5, and PM10
    Moriah Boynton, Psychology

    Nicole Martin

    Maternal Choices and Outcomes in International Adoption
    Aaron Rose, Psychology

    Chris Ziegler

    Mental Health Perceptions and Self-Confidence: A Comparison of the Perspectives of
    American and Peruvian University Students
    Alex Seal, Biology

    Minjae Woo

    Impact of Minority Speakers on Speech-To-Text Technology
    Samuel Payne, Undeclared

    MinJae Woo

    Improving AI  Detection of Breast Cancer in Mammograms Using Deep Learning Algorithms
    Taylor Miller, Psychology

    MinJae Woo

    Delay in documentation for healthcare professionals when using speech to text
    softwares while following COVID-19 protocols
    Shania Kalladanthyil, Biology

    Anton Bryantsev

    Identification of the minimal sequence required for protein trafficking to B-bodies
    Datiel Dayani, Psychology

    Michelle Head

    Investigating the Relationship Between a Student's Perception of Learning in the Chemistry Laboratory and Their STEM Professional Identity
    Ariel Owens, Anthropology

    Tsai-Tien Tseng

    Enhanced Screening Methods for the Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosiscomplex in Ancient Host Microbiomes
    Izzie Murphy, Fine Arts

    Brian Artese

    Lacan, Derrida, and Poe’s “The Purloined Letter”
    Yazmeen Mayes, Music Composition

    Laurence Sherr

    Improvising a Narrative Song: A Playwright-Composer Collaboration
    Rachel Buchli, Biology

    Ramya Rajagopalan

    Predation Evasion Behavior of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    Gretchen Agans, Psychology

    Anisah Bagasra

    Barriers to Establishing a Healthcare Proxy
    Zaid Abuimweis, Biology

    Ramya Rajagopalan

    Isolation of Myxobacteria from Acidic Soils
    Luanne Seaman, Computer Engineering

    Billy Kihei

    Comparing Delays of Various Wireless Protocols for Autonomous Vehicle
    Aden Edwards, Mechatronics Engineering

    Amir Ali Amiri Moghadam

    Development of soft robotic system for remote ultrasound interventions
    Tyler Rohrig, Public Health Education

    Kevin Gittner

    Racial microaggressions minorities have and their ability to seek care on reproductive
    Shalynne Grasty, Public Health Education

    Afekwo Ukuku

    The Extent Negative Behavioral Attitudes have on Minorities’ Ability to Seek Care on
    Sensitive Topics Such as Reproductive Health
    Kieran McDonald, Physics

    Kisa Ranasinghe

    Machine Learning to Predict Variables Need to Create Bioactive Glass with
    Multivalent Nanoceria
    Farid Hudda, Electrical Engineering

    Sandip Das

    Invisible Laser-powered Sustainable IoT Sensors for Energy Efficient Smart Buildings
    Angel Vasquez, Chemistry

    Rajnish Singh, Kisa Ranasinghe

    X-Ray Diffraction Study of Cerium Oxide Extracted from Bio-glass
    Jose Lara-Sanchez, Biochemistry

    Marina Koether

    Optimizing Coagulation and Flocculation of Microplastics
    Lauren James, Enviromental Science Marina Koether

    Kinetic Study of Potassium Persulfate
    Isabella Vahle, Biology

    Paula Jackson

    Effect on the soil microbial community of the removal of dominant understory
    species in a longleaf pine ecosystem
    Mary Kate Broadway, Mechatronics Engineering

    Sandip Das

    Hacking a 3D Printer to Realize a Low-Cost Multifunctional Instrumentation for Solar
    Cell Characterization
    Christopher Woolford, Physics

    Mohammed Aledhari

    Developing a Neural Network-based Model to Predict Phenotypes Associated with
    Specific Genotypes
    Cora Meador, Computer Science

    Mohammed Aledhari

    BreastNet; Classification of Risk Categories for Breast Cancer Using Deep Learning and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    Linh Luong, Mechanical Engineering

    Yizeng Li

    Fabrication of Microfluidic Devices to Study Confined Collective Migration of Breast Cancer Cells
    Vlad Mandzyuk, Mechanical Engineering

    Adeel Khalid

    Performance Improvement of High Bypass Turbofan Engine Through Optimization of High-Pressure Compressor Blade – A Case Study
    Connor Embleau, Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Tien Yee

    Cost-Efficient Bridge Scour Health Monitoring using Commercial Sensors
    Jonathan Yun, Mechanical Engineering

    Kisa Ranasinghe, Rajnish Singh

    Raman Spectroscopy Analysis of Crystalline Phases of Nanoceria for Biological Applications
    Blake Wilson, Electrical Engineering

    Bill Diong

    Control of Programmed Pulse-Width Modulated Multi-level Inverter

2020 - 2021

    Jason Whelan, Electrical Engineering

    Hoseon Lee, Walter Thain

    Model of 2-Stage RF Charge Pump for Wireless Energy Transfer Optimization
    Nemanja Blagojevic, Electrical Engineering

    Hoseon Lee, Walter Thain

    Model of 2-Stage RF Charge Pump for Wireless Energy Transfer Optimization
    Andrew Hopkins, Electrical Engineering

    Sumit Chakravarty

    LoRa Mesh Network with BeagleBone Black
    Daisy McGrath, Integrative Biology

    Tsai-Tien Tseng

    Identification of Novel Phages from Homemade Dairy Products with Next-Generation Sequencing
    Jessie Catchpole, Psychology

    Chris Ziegler, Gail Scott, Patrick Devine

    Mental Health Perceptions and Self Concept: A Comparison of the Perspectives of American and Peruvian University Students
    Rachel Zimmerman, Psychology

    Chris Ziegler

    Mental Health Perceptions and Self Concept: A Comparison of the Perspectives of American and Peruvian University Students
    Matthew Fenner, Psychology

    Chris Ziegler

    Mental Health Perceptions and Self Concept: A Comparison of the Perspectives of American and Peruvian University Students
    Hakeem Wilson, Computer Engineering Billy Kihei

    Connected Autonomous RC Cars
    Daniella Krakue, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Ramya Rajagopalan

    Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Myxococcus Xanthus Wild Isolates
    Naomi Katz, Psychology

    Christopher Allen

    College Students and Mental Health Services
    Jackie Easter, Nursing

    Mary Ramos, Jenna Shackleford

    Exploring Telemedicine and Self-Management Practices of Transitioning Adults with Sickle Cell Disease
    Jessie Chen, Computational & Applied Mathematics Eric Stachura

    Singularity analysis of the 2D Maxwell system in polygons
    Tyler Davison, Computer Engineering 

    Billy Kihei

    Connected Autonomous RC Maritime Vehicles (Boats)
    Ariel Owens, Geography &  Anthropology

    Tsai-Tien Tseng

    Detecting Bacterial Species from Next Generation Sequencing Data Derived from Ancient Human Skeletal Samples
    Emmy Keenan, School of Art & Design Page Burch

    One Furnace to Rule Them All
    Geoffrey Eger, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Paula Jackson

    Getting to the Root of the Problem: The American Chestnut and the Chinese chestnut blight
    Nicolai Sison, Industrial & Systems Engineering

    Lin Li, Meng Han

    A configurable data preprocessing framework to improve existing travel industry time series prediction models
    Zekai Fei, Computer Science

    Selena He

    Robust Efficient Accurate License Plate and Character Detection System Based on Simplified CNN
    Angelita Andrade, Dance

    Marsha Barsky, Thang Dao

    Hear Me, I Have Nothing to Say: A Choreographed Screendance
    Marceline Lewis, Computer Engineering

    Sandip Das

    Renewable Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting Device for Sustainable Boats and Ships
    Gavin Treadaway, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Ramya Rajagopalan

    Development of a Metabolic, Phenotypic, and Chemical Profile for the Microbiome in the Soil Underneath Endangered Long Leaf Pines
    Christopher Woolford, Physics

    Mohammed Aledhari

    Visualization of Gene Regulatory Elements
    Christopher Boon, Mathematics

    Yizeng Li, Glenn Young

    Mathematical Modeling on Confined Collective Migration of Breast Cancer Cells
    George Williams, Mechanical Engineering

    Mohammad Jonaidi

    Application of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) in the Mechanical Modeling of Concrete
    Jisoo Song, Mechanical Engineering

    Bo Li

    Oligopeptide sequence effect on self-assembled structure of electronically active biomaterials
    Yazmeen Mayes, Music Composition

    Judith Cole

    Broadway Official Online Masterclass: Musical Theatre Composing & Writing
    Cynney Walters, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Tsai-Tien Tseng

    Exploring the Microbiome of Korean Industrial Kimchi Fermentation Products
    Muhammad Arshad, Computer Engineering Billy Kihei

    GPS-RTK Base Station for KSU Marietta Campus
    Ally Kisiel, Chemistry & Biochemistry

    Graham Collier

    Elucidating Effects of Sustainable Solvents on Controlled Polymerizations
    Brantley Talley, Electrical Engineering

    Bill Diong

    Control of Programmed Pulse-width Modulated Multi-level Inverter
    Maria Delgado, Architecture

    Jeffrey Collins

    Architecture + Language: Breaking Down Barriers to Create Cultural Dialogue
    Rebecca Anderson, Physics & Mathematics

    Kisa Ranasinghe, Rajnish Singh

    Investigating Multivalent Nanoceria Developed Within a Soluble Borate Glass
    Angel Vasquez, Chemistry & Biochemistry

    Kisa Ranasinghe, Rajnish Singh

    Transmission electron microscope study of cerium induced borate glass for biological applications
    Jiwoo Park, Computer Engineering

    Billy Kihei

    Soft-Robotics for Vehicular Safety
    Eric Brosius, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Michael Beach

    Development of a SARS-CoV-2 surveillance test for Kennesaw State University
    Samuel Moore, Chemistry & Biochemistry Carl Saint-Louis

    Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Reaction-Based Azaborine Fluorescent Probe Capable of Selectively Detect Carbon Monoxide Based on Palladium-Mediated Carbonylation Chemistry
    Chakayla Ashford, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Anton Bryantsev

    Determining Genetic Interactions that Lead to Cancer Transformation
    Cristy Kennedy, Interactive Design

    Sara Doan

    Building False Trust During COVID-19: How Health Information is Circulating Differently in the South
    Zach Contois, Mechanical Engineering

    Muhammad Salman

    Reducing Brain Trauma with Improved Motorcycle Helmet Technology
    Noah Brown, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Paula Jackson

    The Seed-borne Mycorrhizal Fungi and Microbiome of Pinus palustris
    Cora Meador, Computer Science

    Mohammed Aledhari

    BreastNet: Classification of Risk Categories for Breast Cancer Using DeepLearning and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    Josh Lummus, Molecular & Cellular Biology Ramya Rajagopalan

    Catch Me If You Can
    Dylan Stacy, Biochemistry

    Yizeng Li

    Preparation of giant unilamellar vesicles for the study of vesicle dynamics under confined fluid environment

2019 - 2020

    Caleb Lawrence, Architecture

    Elizabeth Martin-Malikian, Edwin Akins City in the Forest
    Marysia LaRosa, Architecture

    Elizabeth Martin-Malikian, Edwin Akins
    Mending Times/Minds: Urban Revitalization of the 'Rust Belt' City: Utica, New York
    Breck Small, Architecture

    Giovanni Loreto

    Primary Focus: A New Precedent for Ugandan Education
    William Chase Sisk, Architecture

    Marietta Monaghan

    How the Automobile Changed Monroe
    Devon Sams, Architecture

    Peter Pittman

    Golden Scrutiny: from Analog-to-Digital
    Ana Giron, Architecture

    Arash Soleimani

    Imaginative Engagement: Consolidating Play and Learning through the Spatial Design of Classrooms
    Jared Triemer, Architecture

    Elizabeth Martin-Malikian, Tim Frank

    Faith in Humanity: An Exploration of Spiritually Inclusive Architecture
    Destiny Page, Chemistry & Biochemistry

    Rajnish Singh, Kisa Ranasinghe

    Biological Applications of a Nanoceria Containing Novel Bioactive Glass
    Kelly Linz, Geography & Anthropology

    Jun Tu

    Predicting Groundwater Pollution Levels Using Land Cover Raster Data in ArcMap and SAS
    Katherine Mitchell, Mechanical Engineering

    Jungkyu Park, Eduardo Farfan, Andrew Hummel, Tien Yee

    Thermal Transport in Actinide Oxide Fuels with Interstitial Defects & Sensitivity of Thermal Transport in Uranium Dioxide to Fission Gas
    Alex Resnick, Mechanical Engineering

    Jungkyu Park, Eduardo Farfan

    Three-Dimensional Printing of Carbon Nanostructures
    Emma Henry, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Jonathan McMurry, Thomas Leeper, Carol Chrestensen

    The Auto-Inhibitory Loop of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Kinetic and Structural Characterization to p38
    Jackson Hill, Mechanical Engineering

    Jungkyu Park, Eduardo Farfan

    2020 American Nuclear Society Student Conference: "Thermal Properties of a Lif-ThF4 Molten Salt Fuel"
    Bryce Atchley, Mechanical Engineering

    Jungkyu Park, Eduardo Farfan

    2020 American Nuclear Society Student Conference: "Thermal Transport in Molten Salt Reactor Fuels"
    Ian Foster, Physics

    Kisa Ranasinghe, Rajnish Singh

    Xray Absorbtion Near Edge Structure Spectroscopy in Borate Glass Containing Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles
    Leandra Girma, Sociology & Criminal Justice

    Darina Lepadatu

    An Investigation into the Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System,Housing, Employment and Education: What Can We Do About It in Georgia?
    Callie Bernstein, Sociology & Criminal Justice

    Darina Lepadatu

    Women's Health in Georgia: Teenage Pregnancy, Maternal & Infant Mortality, and the new Heartbeat Law
    Emily Barbour, Computer Science

    Kevin McFall

    Autonomous Vehicle Simulation Using Open Source Software ECTC Journal Conference Presentation
    Matthew McCadden, English

    Lara Smith-Sitton, Linda Niemann

    Native American Representation in Film
    Camille Atlan, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Michael Van Dyke

    Transcription Factor Discovery in the Extremophile Thermus thermophilus HB8
    Salina Shanks, English

    Lesia Miller Schnur

    A Feminist Vampire in Iran: Ana Lily Amirpour's A Girl Walks Home at Night Research Paper
    Emily Rubin, Communications & Media

    Lesia Miller Schnur

    Men's Sexualized View of Women as a Monster to Men and Women in Jonathan Glazer's Film "Under the Skin"
    Caitlin Hobbs, Geography & Anthropology

    Lesia Miller Schnur

    Everyone Deserves to Be Seen: The Importance of Representation in Modern Media(and) The Heroine's Journey and its Representation in Horror
    Milan Haddad, Chemistry & Biochemistry

    Altug Poyraz

    Investigating Cathode Dissolution by Homegenous Sol-Gel Coating on Maganese Dioxide Nanofibers to Extend Battery Performance
    Gary Owenby, Geography & Anthropology

    Terry Powis
    Petrographic Comparison of Swift Creek Ceramics in the Etowah River Valley
    Cameron Redovian, Mechatronics

    Matthew Marshall

    An Application of a Digital Twin to Robotic System Design for a Unstructured Enviroment
    Adisson Maalouf, Computer Engineering

    Billy Kihei

    Securing Global Positioning System in the Blockchain using Vehicle-to-Everything Communications
    TJ Bixby, Sociology & Criminal Justice

    Darina Lepadatu

    The Criminal Justice System in Georgia: Why Are the Incarceration, Recidivism, Drug Offenses and Police Brutality So High?
    Jooeun Kim, English

    Jayoung Choi

    Culture and Teacher Identity in Cases of Two English as Foreign Language (EFL) Teachers in South Korea
    Zhuolin Li, Computer Science

    Hossain Shahriar

    Deep Machine Learning-based Technique for Spam Email Detection
    Carson Wiles, Mechanical Engineering Sathish Gurupatham

    5th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference
    Joshuah G. Leljedal, Civil and Construction Engineering

    Mohammad Jonaidi

    Using Comprehensive Finite Element Analysis to Simulate Mechanical  & Structural Elements
    Jasmine Anderson, Molecular and Cellular Biology

    Ramya Rajagopalan, Melanie Griffin

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa actively evades predation by Myxobacteria
    Mervin Johns, Electrical Engineering

    Sandip Das

    Hybrid Magneto-Piezoelectric Ocean-wave Energy Harvesting Device for Sustainable Boats and Ships
    Daniel Fulcher, Mechanical Engineering

    Muhammad Salman

    The Etiology and Management of IIIiotibiial Band Syndrome (ITBS) in Runners
    Austin Crawford, Electrical Engineering Bill Diong
    Seven-level Multi-level Inverter
    Chandler Cooper, Civil & Construction Engineering

    Mohammed Jonaidi

    A Civil Engineering Experimental Research Project on Post-Tensioned Concrete Construction
    Kathryn Crocker, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Tsai-Tien Tseng

    Identification of Phages as Biocontrol Agents Against Strepococcus
    Victoria Romero, Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology

    Daniel Ferreira

    Remediation of Radiocessium Contaminated Soil in Fukushima, Japan
    Hala Alfalih, Architecture

    Jeffrey Collins

    A Material Exploration for a Parametricallly Informed Settlement on Mars

2018 - 2019

    Joshua Robinson, Architecture

    Liz Martin

    Community-Based Healthcare: Interlace of Biophilic Design in Out Patient Facilities
    Brittnay Adkins, Architecture

    Tim Frank

    Sensorial Architecture: Design for Well-Being
    Kersten A. Forsberg, Chemistry & Biochemistry Carol Chrestensen

    ASBMB Annual Meeting
    Ashley Turcios, Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology

    Paula C. Jackson

    Detection and Identification of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the American Sycamore & Black Willow Species
    Michael Nolan, Computer Engineering

    Hoseon Lee

    Feasibility Study of a Microfluidic Solenoid for Discrete Quantitation of Magnetized Cells
    Joseph Lee, Mechanical Engineering

    Hoseon Lee

    Feasibility Study of a Microfluidic Solenoid for Discrete Quantitation of Magnetized Cells
    Chase Hughes, Electrical Engineering

    Sandip Das

    Photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithms Implemented via Low-cost Field Programmable Gate Arrays
    Luan Joubert, English

    Lara Smith-Sitton

    The Strange Loop of David Foster Wallace's Sincere Metafiction
    Micah Poisal, Exercise Science & Sport Management

    Garrett Hester

    South East American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference
    Ash Scarborough, Sociology & Criminal Justice

    La Shonda Mims

    "Girls are Such a Drag" : A Content Analysis of Misogynistic Lyrics in Pop-Punk Music
    Michael Weitzel, Mechanical Engineering Ayse Tekes

    Design, Analysis, Modeling, & Experimental Validation of Compliant Five Bar Mechanism
    Mary K. Grimes, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Scott J. Nowak

    Identification of Akirin-interacting proteins that are critical for myogenesis
    Kayla Herren, Psychological Science

    Ebony Glover

    Race Differences in Emotion Regulation: The Role of Early Childhood Trauma Exposure
    CaSaundra White, Psychological Science

    Katherine White

    The Impact of Racial Outgroup Criticisms on Motivation to Engage in Corrective Behavior
    Logan Turner, Psychological Science

    Katherine White

    The Impact of Racial Outgroup Criticisms on Motivation to Engage in Corrective Behavior
    Amber Adair, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Evelina W. Sterling

    Overcoming Policy & Community Barriers to Treatment for Pregnant Women Addicted to Opioids in Rural North Georgia
    Cole Ayers, Architecture

    Giovanni Loretto

    Non-rigid Formwork Systems with Optimized Concrete Mixtures
    Dyesha Holmes, Architecture

    Liz Martin

    Reframing Urban Redevelopment Via Women Empowerment: Sustaining existing community in the West End Neighborhood
    Hayley Leavitt, School of Art & Design

    Jonathan Fisher

    Constructing a Learners Culture: Merging Student Voice, Student Pedagogy, Creativity and SoTL
    Stephen McKenney, Chemistry & Biochemistry

    Jonathan Lyon

    Investigating the Reaction of Alkanes to Fuel Alcohols on Metal Doped Semiconductor Clusters
    Harriet Haisty, Computer Science

    Sarah North
    Haisty Brain-Control Interface Research Grant Request
    Sam Boatright, Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology

    Matthew Weand

    Potential for Cascading Ecosystem Effects Driven by Chinese Privet, An Invasive Riparian Plant
    Taylor Swaggerty, Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology

    Paula C. Jackson

    Comparing Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Associations in Two Riparian Species, Salix nigra Marshall and Platanus occidentalis L. Using Confocal Microscopy
    Brandon Jack, Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology

    Thomas McElroy

    Potential Transmission of Snake Fungal Disease Through Wooden Box Traps in Biodiversity Study
    Jennifer Turner, Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology

    Thomas McElroy

    Detection of Snake Fungal Disease-Causing Fungus, Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola on Free Ranging Snakes in Managed Habitats in Northwest Georgia
    Patrick Roberts, Electrical Engineering Bill Diong

    Wireless Power Transfer Research
    Jacob Barron, Electrical Engineering

    Sandip Das

    Triboelectric Energy Harversting Device for Self-Powered Bio-implantable Electronics
    Samantha Wilson, Geography & Anthropology Brandon Lundy

    Understanding Human-Ecology Guinea-Bissau
    Kamran Sadiq, Geography & Anthropology

    Brandon Lundy

    Ecological Studies and Energy Access in Guinea-Bissau
    Clay Wilderman, Marketing & Professional Sales Mona Sinha

    Namaste in the USA: Yoga as Body, Mind and Protest
    Andrew Boles, Marketing & Professional Sales Mona Sinha

    AirBnB: Overcoming Late Entry and Cultural Challenges in China
    Sagi Shaier, Mathematics

    Meghan Burke

    A Mathematical Model for the Effort of Domestic Animals on the Basic Reproduction Number of Human African Trypanosomiasis (Sleeping Sickness)
    Hongkuan Lin, Mechanical Engineering

    Ayse Tekes

    Development & Analysis of Compliant Bistable Mechanisms
    Michael Weitzel, Mechanical Engineering

    Ayse Tekes

    Design & Fabrication of Compliant Five Bar Mechanism
    Alex Resnick, Mechanical Engineering

    Eduardo Farfan

    Thermal Conductivity of Thorium Dioxide with Defects
    Christian Lockwood, Mechanical Engineering

    Muhammad Salman

    Low cost validation of dymanics elastography method using simple tensile test experiment
    Clint Morris, Mechnical Engineering

    Muhammad Salman

    Portable and economic elastography diagnostic apparatus for Achilles Tendon
    Matthew Taylor, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Melanie Griffin

    Lrp Expression Effects on Quorum-Sensing SIgnals & Receptors
    Sarah Joie Beauvais, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Ramya Rajagopalan

    Isolation of Pathogen Lysing Strains of Myxobacteria and Clarifying the Role of the dev operon
    James Scott, Chemistry & Biochemistry

    Susan M. Smith

    Does SpNox directly produce hydrogen peroxide?
    Daisy McGrath, Molecular & Cellular Biology

    Tsai-Tien Tseng

    Detection of Novel Bacteriophages as Biocontrol Agents in Dairy Metagenomics with Bioinformatics
    Tessa Walker, School of Music Judy Cole

    Mounting a Musical Theatre Production
    Dylan C. Carter, Theatre & Performance Studies

    Elizabeth Rasmusson

    "Mother Hecate" Materials and Research funding