Training and Professional Development for Undergraduate Researchers

Welcome, KSU undergraduate researchers! This page is intended to support First-Year Scholars but all students at KSU are welcome to participate in any of these activities. Students in First-Year Scholars are required to participate in professional development activities in the Fall and the Spring. There are a variety of activities below, including: 

  • Meet with the Undergraduate Research Peer Ambassadors. The peer ambassadors are experienced student researchers who are available for consultations via appointment. Have a question or want some advice? The peer ambassadors are here for you! 

Make an Appointment

  • Workshops. Come meet fellow student researchers and learn more about writing abstracts, creating posters and oral presentations for conferences, and more. These workshops are mostly led by the Undergraduate Research Peer Ambassadors and occasionally other experts around campus.
  • Social Events. You worked hard; now, come meet other undergraduate researchers for some food, swag, and fun!

2024-2025 Workshops