Numerical Analysis of Space Capsule Entry and Reentry Dynamics in the Martian Atmosphere

Project Description

The research project aims to conduct a comprehensive numerical analysis of the entry and reentry dynamics of a space capsule within the Martian atmosphere. Utilizing advanced computational techniques, the study will investigate the complex aerodynamic and thermodynamic interactions experienced by the capsule during its descent and ascent phases. The Martian atmosphere presents unique challenges compared to Earth's atmosphere due to its lower density, differing composition, and varying temperature profiles.

By employing sophisticated numerical models, including computational fluid dynamics simulations and heat transfer calculations, the project seeks to characterize the aerothermal environment encountered by the capsule during its entry and reentry phases. Additionally, the study will explore the effects of various entry and reentry parameters such as entry velocity, angle of attack, and capsule design on the vehicle's trajectory, heat flux distribution, and overall performance. The findings of this research endeavor hold significant implications for the design and optimization of future Martian exploration missions, providing valuable insights into the safe and efficient entry and reentry of spacecraft into the Martian atmosphere.

Research Requirements

  1. Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA): A minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required.
  2. Completed Coursework: Students should have completed coursework in fluid dynamics. Additional coursework in aerospace engineering, aerodynamics, heat transfer, numerical methods, and computational fluid dynamics would be advantageous, but not required.
  3. Commitment: Students should be able to dedicate a minimum of 15-20 hours per week to the research project, including time for data analysis, simulations, and meetings with the research team.
  4. Skills: Familiarity with computational fluid dynamics software packages (e.g., ANSYS Fluent, OpenFOAM) and heat transfer analysis tools would be beneficial.
  5. Problem-solving abilities: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills are necessary for interpreting simulation results, troubleshooting issues, and proposing solutions to complex aerodynamic and thermodynamic problems.
  6. Collaboration: The ability to work effectively in a collaborative research environment, communicate findings clearly, and contribute to team discussions is essential.
  7. Initiative: Students should demonstrate initiative and a willingness to learn new concepts and techniques related to space capsule entry and reentry dynamics in the Martian atmosphere.
  8. Enthusiasm: A genuine interest in space exploration, aerospace engineering, and planetary science is highly desirable, as enthusiasm for the subject matter can enhance motivation and engagement in the research project.




Dr. Gaurav Sharma,