Solar/LED Illuminated Sign

Project Description

Light travels within two parallel flat planes, just like in optical fiber, very well without scattering. The project is to design, test and implement illuminated signs using LED lights in the background. The result will be signs, Logos etc. for businesses or organizations, or universities, or even street intersections. Imagine street signs/names well lit and clearly visible from a distance. Using solar photovoltaic charging, these signs could be alive without power supply, like in rural roads.

Project Department

Mechanical Engineering

Research Requirements

Background of high school physics with a B.E. special interest will be reflection and refraction of light through transparent media, like a glass

Lot of interest and willingness to make it work

4-6 hours per week of study and research/experimental work along with the advisor

Project Duration

August 2022-August 2024


Dr. Mir Atiqullah