Reactions of Pre-Licensure Nursing Students

Project Description

Since cancer affects most families in America and the number of cancer survivors is growing, there is an urgent need to explore reasons why prelicensure nursing students lack the aspiration to care for patients with cancer on a Nationwide level; a study which has not been investigated previously.

This is a mix-method descriptive survey design study. Qualitative and quantitative data will be obtained through an original online survey with follow-up telephone interviews. Survey questions were derived from current nursing education literature. Recruitment will be conducted via a National Student Nurses Association email distribution.

Project Department

WellStar School of Nursing

Research Requirements

Must have understanding of basic research process and be a good student with good work/study ethic and understanding of how to read a research article. Hours can be flexible. We are in the midst of Data verification and cleaning right now which we need help with. student will progress to another literature search during manuscript prep.


October 6, 2022 - May 1, 2023


Tracy Ruegg