Episode 7 - Nov. 13, 2020
Dr. Stephenson, who is an associate professor of art history, discussed one aspect of her research which is focused on African art from the 19th through the 21st centuries. She is currently conducting archival and museum collections research on photographs and carved elephant ivory sculptures from the 19th century Congo.
Dr. Stephenson’s research specialty is the emergence of novel art forms in contexts of rupture and change; intercultural arts; art, heritage and tourism; art and agency; and histories of museum collecting and display. These issues informed her research with rural art collectives in Botswana, South Africa, and Namibia and in archives and museum collections within the United States and Europe.
Dr. Stephenson has pursued a two-pronged career as an academic and a curator, having worked in a number of museums including the Johannesburg Art Gallery in South Africa. Dr. Stephenson, who is originally from South Africa, earned a Ph.D. in Art History from Emory University.
Learn more about Dr. Jessica Stephenson!Research Video
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