Episode 2 - Sept. 4, 2020

3d lab equipment
In the second episode of the fall season, the featured faculty included Dr. Ayse Tekes, assistant professor of mechanical engineering in the Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology (SPCEET), and Dr. Tris Utschig, director for scholarly teaching in the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL).

The research team, who have been working together for the last two years, discussed how their innovation - 3D-printed laboratory devices - will help improve student learning outcomes in mechanical engineering lab and in-class activities. 

Learn more about Dr. Ayse Tekes and Dr. Tris Utschig!

Dr. Tekes, who has been at Kennesaw State University for four years, earned a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering from the Instanbul Technical University in Turkey.  Her research interests focus primarily on the design, analysis and control of compliant mechanisms as well as small scale lab equipment design for dynamics, vibrations and control labs.

Dr. Utschig, who has been at KSU since 2016, is also an associate professor of nuclear engineering in SPCEET. He earned a Ph.D. in engineering physics - fusion technology from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. In his full-time role at CETL, his work involves supporting faculty to incorporate research on teaching and learning within their classrooms, especially in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) disciplines. 

Research Video

Episode Video