QuickStart Stata

Stata is a general-purpose statistical software package from StataCorp that is designed to support research in many disciplines.

Behavioral sciences Biostatistics Data Science
Economics Education Epidemiology
Finance, Business, and Marketing Institutional Research Medicine
Political Science Public Health Public Policy
Sociology   What's new in Stata?

Stata 17 is downloadable at apps.kennesaw.edu and is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. It is a one package install for your local machine. No extra modules or difficulty in managing packages. 

  • Individual commands can be entered in the command window.
  • A do file contains a set of commands.
  • The data editor lets view and manipulate your data table.
  • Run your Do file with the Do button.
    • Do-files can be saved from the do-file window as a .do file.

    • Data can be saved from the data editor in a .dta file. 

    • $ interact
    • $ module load Stata
    • $ cd cd <your working directory>
    • $ stata-se -b do <your do file>
    • $ less <dofilename.log>
      • Example: $ less wage_educ.log
  • #!/bin/bash
    #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
    #PBS -j oe
    #PBS -N Stata_Job
    #PBS -q batch
    #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
    #PBS -m abe
    #PBS -M netid@kennesaw.edu

    module load Stata
    cd <yourworkingdirectory>
    stata-se -b do <yourdofile.do>

    exit 0

  • $ qsub run_stata.pbs
  • $ less wage_educ.log
    1. In the Command window in Stata, enter "man stata"
    2. At the bottom of the page, click on the Other resources link for Videos, FAQs, Blogs, Training, Webinars and more.
  • Stata Workshop - Slides & Video