QuickStart Job Submission (qsub)

  • #!/bin/bash

    ## sample.pbs simple submission file to help demonstrate some options

    ##### These lines are for qsub/Moab
    #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1        ## 1 node and 1 core
    #PBS -l walltime=5:00          ## for five minutes
    #PBS -N qsub_example        ## with a name
    #PBS -m abe                        ## send emails (abort, begin & error)
    #PBS -M tboyle@kennesaw.edu  ## where to send emails
    #PBS -o myname.output      ## name your output file
    #PBS -e myname.error         ## name your error file

    ## With no queue specified, the job will run on the default batch queue
    ##PBS -q batch                    ## or you can enter a queue

    ##### Load modules needed
    module purge                     ## remove any loaded modules
    module load MATLAB        ## load the MATLAB environment

    ##### Set the JOBID Variable
    JOBID=`echo $PBS_JOBID | cut -f1 -d

    ##### These are shell commands that output and write to data file

    echo "Job started at $(date)" > $(date +"%Y%m%d")

    sleep 120    ## Do nothing with MATLAB for 2 minutes ;) 
    echo "This machine is $HOSTNAME" > $(date +"%Y%m%d")  

    echo "Job ended at $(date)" > $(date +"%Y%m%d")

    exit 0

  • $ qsub sample.pbs

    Returns with JOBID.roland    (example:  34823.roland)

    You will be sent an email with some job details.

  • $ qstat JOBID
  • qstat -u YOUR_NETID

    You will be sent an email when the job terminates (properly or unexpectedly).