Mandated Reporting Procedures

  1. Authorized Individuals are Mandated Reporters who are required to report child abuse or neglect within 24 hours by calling:
      • 1-855-GACHILD (1-855-422-4453)
        Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS)
        Division of Family and Children Services (DFACS)
        Child Protective Center
      • 470-578-6666
        KSU Police Emergencies
  2. The Authorized Individual/Mandated Reporter should also notify the KSU Program Sponsor, by phone, email, or in person within 24 hours.

For additional information, refer to Official Code of Georgia Annotated Title 19. Domestic Relations, Chapter 7. Parent and Child Relationship Generally, Article 1. General Provisions (O.C.G.A. § 19-7-5).

Incident Reporting Procedures

KSU has multiple avenues to report all types of incidents or concerns. To report suspected child abuse or neglect and/or accident/safety incidents in programs utilizing KSU facilities and that involve unenrolled minors, the following procedures should be followed:

To report other types of incidents on KSU campuses the following additional avenues are available:

  • KSU Concern
    This is the website to report incidents related to: violence and assault; violations of the university policy and procedures; housing, auxiliary services (parking, transportation, bookstore, card services, culinary and hospitality, copy/print services, student health services, retail shopping, postal services), ADA/disability, student activities, university events, facilities, or any other related services; financial aid or registration, records and transcripts; and discrimination
  • KSU Behavioral Response Team Red Flag Reporting
    To share information about a person and observed behaviors and statements that generated the concern. Such behaviors are often referred to as “red flags” because they may indicate a larger or growing issue with which that person may be struggling.
  • KSU Ethics and Compliance Hotline
    This is the website to report unethical behavior and policy violations. You may choose to provide your contact information or to remain anonymous.