Special Fundraiser for High-Value Items

The Bentley Rare Book Museum's 1685 Fourth Folio of Shakespeare, 1843 copy of the Declaration of Independence, and 1830 issue of The Cherokee Phoenix and Indians' Advocate are three highly valuable items in the collection. The extensive conservation needs of these texts, unfortunately, limit their use and accessibility. In 2022, the Bentley Rare Book Museum launched a special fundraising effort to conserve these items and to develop a suite of outreach and instructional programs highlighting their rich historical and literary value. The fundraising kickoff officially began in fall 2022 with a special focus on the 1843 copy of the Declaration of Independence. 

Make your contribution

Rita Impey-Imes Rare Book Conservation

Rita Impey-Imes (left) and Catherine Lewis (right)
Rita Impey-Imes and Catherine Lewis
The Rita Impey-Imes Rare Book Conservation Fund was established in October 2012 to honor former Rare Book Curator Rita Impey-Imes and her many years of passionate devotion to the Bentley Rare Book Gallery. Her enthusiasm and love for story-telling has touched thousands of visitors to the Gallery and inspired many to pursue careers in libraries and special collections.

Funds will be used for the conservation of books, prints, manuscripts, and leaves in the Bentley Rare Book Gallery, allowing them to be seen, studied, and exhibited into the future.

Collections Development Fund

The Collections Development Fund was established as a means for donors to directly contribute to the purchase of items for the Bentley Rare Book Museum. These books and manuscripts will strengthen our current collecting areas and help the Gallery to branch out in new directions. This fund makes it possible for the Bentley Rare Book Museum to acquire items that it might not otherwise be able to, due to rarity or value.

Funds will be used for the purchase of printed books, manuscripts, and other related items for the Bentley Rare Museum. These items will be used for exhibitions, class presentations, and research by faculty, students, and visiting scholars.

For more information regarding these funds, please contact Dr. Tamara Livingston at tlivings@kennesaw.edu or 470-578-6989.