KENNESAW, Ga. | Mar 9, 2023
Integrating resources into research design
KENNESAW, Ga. (Mar 9, 2023) — Drs. Olga Koz and Iván Jorrín have won the 2023 Sage Innovators Award for the project: Integrating resources into research design
About the award: Established by Technology from SAGE, a portfolio of digital services from Lean Library, Talis, and Adam Matthew, in partnership with Electronic Resources and Libraries (ER&L), the Technology from SAGE Innovators Awards recognize technological innovations in resources librarianship, especially in support of pedagogy and/or research workflows across campus. These innovations should use technology to remove barriers to knowledge, reflecting the spirit of innovation upon which Technology from SAGE was launched.
Innovation is everywhere. Innovation need not be an expensive or large-scale endeavor. It is simply the process of innovating - improving or even simplifying the existing state of being. Innovation can be incremental.
The pandemic has required much of us all. Flexibility, nimbleness, and creativity have been demanded. We are seeking examples of tech innovations that have been removed barriers to knowledge to better support teaching and learning across campus.
watch the finalists' submissions
Congrats to the Winners!
Integrating Resources into Research Design
Dr. Olga Koz and Dr. Jorrin-Albellan
Kennesaw State University
Amazon Alexa Skill as an Artificial Intelligent (AI) Tool for Academic Library Services
Dr. Santosh Kharat
and Dr. Shubhada Nagarkar
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Modernizing the Monograph Purchase: Moving from Paper Slips to the "Purchase Request Platform"
Daniel Huang, Maccabee Levine,
and Boaz Nadav Manes
Lehigh University