Take a virtual (VR) tour of our labs below!

The KSU Exercise Science Physiology Laboratory is well-equipped to provide access to essential equipment. You'll be able to assess body composition, muscular fitness, neuromuscular function, aerobic capacity, metabolic function, and other relevant physical performance and health outcomes. You'll have the best experience in hands-on experiments such as microbiopsy, venipuncture, electrocardiography and air displacement plethysmography.

Step into our virtual reality (VR) tour and immerse yourself in our world-class lab spaces. Our VR images provide a realistic glimpse into the environment where you'll be learning and conducting research. 

Exercise Physiology Main Laboratory

Biodex Room

Biomechanics Room

Body Composition Room

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) & Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

If You've Not Attended an Info Session, Please Sign Up

The virtual session will cover topics, such as:

  • Curriculum highlights, showcasing the introductory and advanced coursework, laboratory experiences and more.
  • Hands-on projects to prepare you for professional certifications through the American College of Sports Medicine, National Strength and Conditioning Association and International Society for Sports Nutrition.
  • Networking and employment opportunities available for students and graduates in the Atlanta area.
  • Any other specific questions you may have.

Ready to Apply?

Start Your Application

Below are some helpful links to additional information about being a successful graduate student at KSU:

Application Deadlines

Fall: July 1
Spring: November 1

Contact Us for More Information

Department of Exercise Science and Sport Management
520 Parliament Garden Way NW
Prillaman Health Sciences, Room 4025
Mail Drop #4104
Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591

Graduate Admissions