The Annual EQUINOX Program: UN SDGs


Established in March 2017 as a platform to advocate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the annual EQUINOX*: UN SDGs is dedicated to socio-economic-ecological impacts of sustainability within the local-global framework. The initiative seeks to advance pathways of scholarship and partnership through multidisciplinary and inter-institutional programs focused on the interconnected Sustainable Development Goals. Through various disciplinary lenses, the EQUINOX unfolds cross-sectoral dialogue among higher education institutions, professionals, policymakers, stakeholders, community members, and advocates.

A multi-sponsored platform with local/national/international presenters and participants, the EQUINOX was one of the first initiatives in the region to pioneer a week-long series of programs dedicated to the SDGs. Every year, EQUINOX initiates a diverse set of multidisciplinary programs to promote research cross-pollination, team formation, and actions on SDGs from micro to macro scales – for people and the planet.

*The Spring EQUINOX marks the precise moment of astronomical spring in the Northern Hemisphere and astronomical autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. The Spring EQUINOX has been an ancestral festivity marking the New Year for several nations worldwide. The first Earth Day celebration was also held on the Spring EQUINOX, March 21st, 1970 (proposed as a global initiative by peace activist John McConnell at the National UNESCO Conference in 1969). The Equinoctial Earth Day has been celebrated by the United Nations annually thereafter with the ringing of the UN Peace Bell to call for world justice and peace.

Sustainable Development Goals

Annual EQUINOX: UN SDGs Week  |  Schedule

The multi-sponsored annual EQUINOX: SDGs Week is an entire week of multidisciplinary events across the KSU campuses and beyond focused on Sustainable Development Goals -- involving student volunteering programs, educational research sessions, and networking opportunities. Promoting strategic and shared goals, the EQUINOX: SDGs Week seeks to advance multidisciplinary research and collaboration among the KSU colleges and community through various programs, including the annual EQUINOX SUMMIT: UN SDGs; EQUINOX_Exhibit; Sustainable Development Awards; EQUINOX FORUM: Sustainability through Multiple Lenses; and Sustainable Development Career Pathways.

We look forward to you joining us.




    Join us to explore careers in Sustainability! Meet industry representatives and alumni to learn about the diverse roles and career paths within the sustainability field. Bring your resume for a professional review and participate in mock interviews to refine your skills and gain valuable feedback.

    6:00 PM - 7:30 PM 



    First Floor

    480 Bartow Ave, Atlanta, 30144

    View Map

    Office of Sustainability 

    Student Government Association

    SUSTAINABLE FUTURES FELLOWSHIP  RCE Greater Atlanta's "SDG's Futures Fellowship" aims to increase education about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) through youth leadership, community engagement, and professional development. The 2024-2025 fellows cohort represents a wide variety of backgrounds, academic interests and come from 6 Greater Atlanta Higher Education Institutions  The fellows have worked closely with community organizations and local non-profit partners to build projects focused on sustainable development.  Please join us to hear brief presentations on each project and to give community feedback to the fellows to enhance their final deliverables. 6:30 PM - 8.00 PM (EST)  Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 984 5781 3639

    Passcode: 690932

    RCE of Greater Atlanta

    Kennesaw State University

    Georgia Tech
    Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info


    CARE Services & MUST Ministries: Mobile FOOD Pantry 

    Stop by for a FREE POP-UP FOOD GIVE-AWAY with the MUST Ministries Mobile Food Pantry! Free packaged groceries and fresh produce will be available to KSU students, faculty, and staff. Please be sure to bring a backpack/cart/suitcase to help you transport 20lbs of items to your vehicle or home.

    NOTE: Registration only needs to be done once to attend all mobile pantry events. 

    1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (EST)


    1000 CHASTAIN ROAD, KENNESAW , GA (between Kennesaw Hall and the Siegel Recreation Center)

    Kennesaw State University 

    Campus Awareness, Resource & Empowerment (CARE) Services 



    Museums as a Catalyst: Conceptualizing Health and Wellbeing 

    A convening on advancing health and wellbeing through the arts, artistic collaborations, and aesthetic experiences 

    The concept of wellbeing and what it means to be healthy remains deeply relevant to our communities in its concerns of shared trauma, grief, and loss confronted universally over the past several years. Poignant— and timely in response to continuing grim realities and profound global struggles— the proposed convening will highlight the potential of museums to serve as accessible, spaces for care and creativity, and their ability to offer community to diverse populations through the arts, artistic collaborations, and aesthetic experiences. This convening will bring together creatives, scholars, researchers, healthcare professionals, academics, and students to explore a timely subject that is deeply relevant to our lives and communities. Attendees will better understand the value and potential of art museums to support humanism and empathy, thus serving as a reminder of our shared humanity. 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM (EST)  THE BERNARD A. ZUCKERMAN MUSEUM OF ART AT KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY, KENNESAW CAMPU 

    The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art at Kennesaw State University 

    Funded by an IMLS INSPIRE! Grants for Small Museums 



Development Awards

In the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, higher education institutions are highlighted for playing a critical role in community transformations. Driven from the KSU R2 Roadmap goals, we seek to empower and stimulate student contributions to their campus/local community and the sharing of ideas for advancing the impact of Sustainable Development. The Fourth Annual EQUINOX call for proposals seeks action plans for campuses and communities to integrate Sustainable Development – as grounded in the following five pillars (5 Ps): people, prosperity, planet, partnership and peace. Students -- from all disciplines – are invited to participate and propose innovative initiatives towards implanting the 5 Ps and creating a sustainable and resilient campus/community. The student-led research projects are encouraged to focus on a specific issue from the team’s campus or their local community and offer solutions with a thoroughly integrated approach to overcome the challenge by 2030.

Sponsors and Partners

With the generous support of our sponsors and partners, the EQUINOX programs could have accomplished their shared goals thus far. Join us as sponsors and partners in reimagining/expanding our ever-evolving programs in an innovative and collaborative capacity. Please get in touch with us to learn about our partnership and sponsorship package. We look forward to welcoming you into our community.

Founding Chair: Pegah Zamani, Ph.D.  |  Email:

  • Kennesaw State University is a student-centered, research-driven institution. With an emphasis on research with relevance, KSU's research portfolio is varied and far-reaching, leading to new knowledge and discoveries by faculty and hands-on opportunities for students. 

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  • The College of Architecture and Construction Management is located in Marietta, Georgia, just north of Atlanta; a region noted for exciting new construction, the repurposing of older structures, and the sensitive renovation to the regional architectural characteristics of our historic city.

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  • Higher Education Learning Community (HELC) Action Group

    RCE of greater Altanta logo
    RCE Greater Atlanta was acknowledged by the United Nations University on December 18, 2017 as a Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development. RCEs support multistakeholder implementation of the U.N. Sustainable Development  Goals at the regional level through education and training. The designation makes Atlanta one of over 174 RCEs worldwide. RCE Greater Atlanta brings together universities and colleges from across the Greater Atlanta region with nonprofit, community, government, and business partners - and we are the only RCE in the U.S. with strong leadership and participation from HBCUs.

    Higher Education Learning Community (HELC) is an RCE Greater Atlanta action group including faculty and research-active students from Emory University, Georgia State University, Georgia Tech, Kennesaw State University, Morehouse College, Spelman College, and the University of Georgia. HELC aims to create a dynamic network of research and teaching faculty, practitioners, youth, and community partners in Greater Atlanta who work together to offer research seminars, symposia, curricular resources, teaching workshops, and a variety of publications to advance the SDGs in education, research, and service across campuses in the region as well as among the US (North American) higher education community as a whole.

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  • The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA)

    Kennesaw State Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art building
    The multidisciplinary exhibition displays a diverse collection of work from research, and practice focused on sustainability. The wide variety of exhibits promote and present initiatives and efforts of students, educators, researchers, community members, and industry professionals. 

    The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art [ZMA] serves as a vital academic resource and cultural focus for the university and members of the community. The ZMA displays significant works from the University’s permanent art collection and regularly exhibits contemporary works of various media by local and internationally-recognized artists. As an academic and artistic arena, the Zuckerman Museum of Art is pleased to partner with the KSU Division of Global Affairs during EQUINOX to facilitate engaging lectures and exhibitions as presented through the lens of artistic practice and visual culture. 

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  • KSU CARE Services [in partnership with Goodr, Inc.] 

    Kennesaw State University’s (KSU) Campus Awareness, Resource and Empowerment (CARE) Services, mission is to provide access to food, temporary housing, and other supportive services to foster students’ realization of a healthy, stable, and dignified life academically and professionally. Furthermore, to serve as a model of professional excellence and effectiveness by upholding core values of social justice, equity, economic sustainability, and mutual partnership. CARE provides four programs to support KSU students and the community: KSU CARES, Emergency Assistance, AmeriCorps VISTA Network and GEAR UP Georgia Priority Model.

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  • Our studio moves as fast as our city does business. We are as international as our city. We are as rooted to pride of place as our city’s neighborhoods. And we are driven by big ideas. 

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    Perkins and Will logo
  • Siemens logo
    Siemens AG is a global technology powerhouse that brings together the digital and physical worlds to benefit customers and society.

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  • Georgia Tech logo, Atlanta Global Studies Center, and Georgia State University Logo
    The Atlanta Global Studies Center (AGSC) builds international awareness, global competence, and advanced language capacity in higher education, the private & public sector, and the K-12 community to empower the region’s global agenda.

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  • Global Education leads KSU’s international endeavors by facilitating global partnerships, supporting its international population, and coordinating programming at home and abroad that prepares students for success in today’s increasingly global environment.

    In addition, Global Education collaborates with and supports faculty in developing globally focused programs, research, and partnerships at home and abroad that both elevate our international presence and expand the global competency of our students.

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  • The Division of Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership and Institutional Development at Kennesaw State University seeks to foster a learning and work environment that promotes an understanding of, and appreciation for, difference through initiatives, programs, services, and training.

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  • It’s our mission to help KSU Owls thrive  — both in the classroom and in your chosen field. Our staff and faculty members are available to help answer any questions you may have and to help you get started on your career path. Through our many available resources and tools, you will have access to services, programs, and experiences to help you succeed.

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  • The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is an independent, nonprofit, student-run organization dedicated to advancing leadership, design, and service among architecture students.

    The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) Logo logo
  • Noma, which thrives only when voluntary members contribute their time and resources, has as its mission the building of a strong national organization, strong chapters and strong members for the purpose of minimizing the effect of racism in our profession.

    Strength in NOMA is built through unity in the cause that created the organization. Our impact is felt when our organization wrestles with the dilemmas that face this nation, particularly as they affect our profession. There is strength in numbers. By increasing the number of people in this organization, we add strength to the voice with which we can speak against apathy, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance; against abuse of the natural environment; and for the un-empowered, the marginalized and the disenfranchised.

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    National Organization of Minority Architecture students logo
  • Alpha Rho Chi (APX) is the national fraternity for architecture and the allied arts. Our organization unites men and women for the purpose of fellowship and lifelong friendships and our mutual interest in professional development. This is exemplified by the fraternity’s motto: Fidelitas, Amor et Artes or “Fidelity and Love of the Arts.”

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    Alpha Rho Chi (APX) The National Fraternity for Architecture Logo
  • Invention is key to addressing our most important local and global challenges. From growing food sustainably to tackling health issues to creating sources of affordable and cleaner energy, invention improves lives and fosters more resilient economies.

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    the lemelson foundation

Contact Us

The Research Center for Sustainable Communities (RCSC)

College of Architecture and Construction

640 Polytechnic Lane
ARCH Building N - MD 9065
Marietta, GA 30060

Dr. Pegah Zamani

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Past Event Archive

    • Event Brief Time Location Sponsored+Organized By Further Info

      NeuroArts Blueprint

      Advancing the Science of Arts, Health, and Wellbeing


      Emmeline Edwards, Ph.D., Director of the Division of Extramural Research of the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
      Susan Magsamen, MAS, Founder and Executive Director of the International Arts + Mind Lab, a pioneering neuroaesthetics initiative from the Pedersen Brain Science Institute at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine;  Co-director of the NeuroArts Blueprint in partnership with the Aspen Institute. 

      Advancing the Science of Arts, Health, and Wellbeing as an initiative that is breaking new ground at the crossroads of science, the arts, and technology. Its mission is to cultivate an ecosystem for neuroarts, defined here as the transdisciplinary and extradisciplinary study of how the arts and aesthetic experiences measurably change the body, brain, and behavior, and how this knowledge is translated into specific practices that advance health and wellbeing. 

      As an academic and artistic arena, the Zuckerman Museum of Art is pleased to partner with the KSU Research Center for Sustainable Communities during the annual EQUINOX: SDGs to facilitate engaging lectures and exhibitions as presented through the lens of artistic practice and visual culture. The 2024 panel will focus on the arts serving as a catalyst for health and well-being.

      1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EST) Platform: VIRTUAL The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA), Kennesaw State University


      NeuroArts Blueprint

      Download Flyer

      Event Brief Time  Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info


      REFLECTIONS: Honoring the Past

      Health and Wellness

      Arts, culture, and wellness are integral partners in the realization of healthier, more equitable lives for populations everywhere. As such, the arts are increasingly being included in health sciences education to improve providers’ diagnostic tools, empathy, resilience, and communication skills. Contemplative and impactful interactions with art, both via temporary exhibitions and museum collections, and the opportunities of interdisciplinary work between museum educators, art educators, and medical school partners envisioning meaningful collaborations is of great interest.

      This careful selection of works from the ZMA permanent collection considers the potential impact that learning organized around engagement with art can serve to enable a reconsideration of museum-based learning and how healthcare centers can unite in traditional and speculative programming as holistic centers of collaboration.

      Moreover, developments in the medical/therapy field and the opportunities of cross-disciplinary programming between the professional disciplines of health care and contemporary art museums, and curators envisioning the future of well-being and recovery, as well as processing personal loss and trauma through art museum experiences can be explored. Poignant in its concerns of shared trauma, grief, and loss confronted universally over the past several years, the works on display in this portion of the exhibition offer a platform to discuss and explore the human and sociocultural dimensions of illness, suffering, healing, and healthcare. Thus, illuminating empathy, grief, and loss as shared universal themes.

      Works specifically addressing these themes, among others on display, include:

      The Aftermath of Katrina: a Church and a Home, by African American artist Willie Birch documents the devasting loss of both a home and a place of worship and beckons viewers to consider how does one recover from such loss? How does one rebuild their life, their home, their community? How does one find the strength to do so?

      Grief is compellingly portrayed in the silkscreen print, I wish I could, by Russian artist Alexander Djikia. This work illustrates a man contemplating how the loss of life on 9/11 could have been prevented if only he could have built the twin towers differently as depicted in this artwork—if the planes could have flown through constructed openings of the buildings such devastation might not have occurred.

      Ukrainian artist Pavel Makov depicts toy soldiers as the main characters in his prints titled Soldiers I and Soldiers II. Although the artist chose a simple toy he played with as a child, given the context of current grim realities, one considers how this object is now viewed very differently.

      10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
      The Melinda Jolley Mortin Gallery

      492 Prillaman Way, Kennesaw, GA 30144

      The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA)
      The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA), Kennesaw State University ZMA

      Download Flyer

    • Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info
      Sustainable Futures Fellowship

      Project Presentations
      RCE Greater Atlanta's "SDG's Futures Fellowship" aims to increase education about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) through youth leadership, community engagement, and professional development. The 2023-2024 fellows cohort represents a wide variety of backgrounds, academic interests and come from 9 Greater Atlanta Higher Education Institutions.  The fellows have worked closely with community organizations and local non-profit partners to build projects focused on sustainable development.  Please join us to hear brief presentations on each project and to give community feedback to the fellows to enhance their final deliverables. 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EST)   RCE of Greater Atlanta, Kennesaw State University, and Georgia Tech  
    • Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info




      Arts, culture, and wellness are integral partners in the realization of healthier, more equitable lives for populations everywhere. As such, the arts are increasingly being included in health sciences education to improve providers’ diagnostic tools, empathy, resilience, and communication skills. Contemplative and impactful interactions with art, both via temporary exhibitions and museum collections, and the opportunities of interdisciplinary work between museum educators, art educators, and medical school partners envisioning meaningful collaborations is of great interest.

      This careful selection of works from the ZMA permanent collection considers the potential impact that learning organized around engagement with art can serve to enable a reconsideration of museum-based learning and how healthcare centers can unite in traditional and speculative programming as holistic centers of collaboration.

      Moreover, developments in the medical/therapy field and the opportunities of cross-disciplinary programming between the professional disciplines of health care and contemporary art museums, and curators envisioning the future of well-being and recovery, as well as processing personal loss and trauma through art museum experiences can be explored. Poignant in its concerns of shared trauma, grief, and loss confronted universally over the past several years, the works on display in this portion of the exhibition offer a platform to discuss and explore the human and sociocultural dimensions of illness, suffering, healing, and healthcare. Thus, illuminating empathy, grief, and loss as shared universal themes.

      Works specifically addressing these themes, among others on display, include:The Aftermath of Katrina: a Church and a Home, by African American artist Willie Birch documents the devasting loss of both a home and a place of worship and beckons viewers to consider how does one recover from such loss? How does one rebuild their life, their home, their community? How does one find the strength to do so?

      Grief is compellingly portrayed in the silkscreen print, I wish I could, by Russian artist Alexander Djikia. This work illustrates a man contemplating how the loss of life on 9/11 could have been prevented if only he could have built the twin towers differently as depicted in this artwork—if the planes could have flown through constructed openings of the buildings such devastation might not have occurred.

      Ukrainian artist Pavel Makov depicts toy soldiers as the main characters in his prints titled Soldiers I and Soldiers II. Although the artist chose a simple toy he played with as a child, given the context of current grim realities, one considers how this object is now viewed very differently.

      10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
      The Melinda Jolley Mortin Gallery

      492 Prillaman Way, Kennesaw, GA 30144

      The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA)
      The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA),
      Kennesaw State University
      Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info
      Campus Sustainability Planning Workshop What is KSU’s carbon footprint? KSU is currently developing a long-term Greenhouse Gas Mitigation plan to reduce emissions from university activities, to be released in spring 2024. Join KSU’s Director of Sustainability and the consultant team developing this plan to understand the university’s current emissions footprint, and learn more about how energy efficiency, renewable energy, electric vehicles, and more have roles to play in KSU’s future.

      We welcome all students, faculty, and staff to join us and contribute to this exciting discourse on sustainable goals at KSU!

      Kennesaw Campus: 11:00am-12:00pm (EST)

      Marietta Campus: 2:00PM-3:00pm (EST)

      The Architecture (N) Building - The Pit

      Marietta Campus 640 Polytechnic Ln, Marietta, GA 30060

      or virtually:

      Passcode Owls24

      Marietta Campus: Architecture Gallery N101

      Office of Sustainability  
    • Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info



      REFLECTIONS: Honoring the Past

      Health and Wellness

      Arts, culture, and wellness are integral partners in the realization of healthier, more equitable lives for populations everywhere. As such, the arts are increasingly being included in health sciences education to improve providers’ diagnostic tools, empathy, resilience, and communication skills. Contemplative and impactful interactions with art, both via temporary exhibitions and museum collections, and the opportunities of interdisciplinary work between museum educators, art educators, and medical school partners envisioning meaningful collaborations is of great interest.

      This careful selection of works from the ZMA permanent collection considers the potential impact that learning organized around engagement with art can serve to enable a reconsideration of museum-based learning and how healthcare centers can unite in traditional and speculative programming as holistic centers of collaboration.

      Moreover, developments in the medical/therapy field and the opportunities of cross-disciplinary programming between the professional disciplines of health care and contemporary art museums, and curators envisioning the future of well-being and recovery, as well as processing personal loss and trauma through art museum experiences can be explored. Poignant in its concerns of shared trauma, grief, and loss confronted universally over the past several years, the works on display in this portion of the exhibition offer a platform to discuss and explore the human and sociocultural dimensions of illness, suffering, healing, and healthcare. Thus, illuminating empathy, grief, and loss as shared universal themes.

      Works specifically addressing these themes, among others on display, include:

      The Aftermath of Katrina: a Church and a Home, by African American artist Willie Birch documents the devasting loss of both a home and a place of worship and beckons viewers to consider how does one recover from such loss? How does one rebuild their life, their home, their community? How does one find the strength to do so?

      Grief is compellingly portrayed in the silkscreen print, I wish I could, by Russian artist Alexander Djikia. This work illustrates a man contemplating how the loss of life on 9/11 could have been prevented if only he could have built the twin towers differently as depicted in this artwork—if the planes could have flown through constructed openings of the buildings such devastation might not have occurred.

      Ukrainian artist Pavel Makov depicts toy soldiers as the main characters in his prints titled Soldiers I and Soldiers II. Although the artist chose a simple toy he played with as a child, given the context of current grim realities, one considers how this object is now viewed very differently.

      10:00 AM - 5:00 PM



      492 Prillaman Way, Kennesaw, GA 30144

      The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA)

      The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA), Kennesaw State University  
    • Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info
      The 7th Annual EQUINOX SUMMIT The 7th Annual EQUINOX SUMMIT is set to illuminate the critical issues of food and water insecurity with a theme deeply rooted in disruption. Building upon the success of previous symposiums, this year's event aims to showcase successful frameworks that have proven effective in addressing the challenges faced by communities worldwide. The focus on disruption underscores the need for innovative solutions and transformative approaches to tackle the pressing issues of food and water insecurity. As a multi-sponsored platform, the annual EQUINOX: SDGs continues to serve as a nexus for interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together diverse voices from institutions of higher education, professionals, policymakers, stakeholders, community members, and advocates. Join us as we explore and celebrate impactful strategies that drive positive change and sustainable development in the face of challenges within food and water systems. 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM (EST)

      The Architecture (N) Building - The Pit
      Marietta Campus 

      640 Polytechnic Ln, Marietta, GA 30060 

      Kennesaw State University

      The Lemelson Foundation  
      Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info
      COFFEE WITH THE COLLABORATORY Through community science, researchers, scientists, and community members come together to advance knowledge and benefits for community priorities. Join us to meet our special event community partner: Rosario Hernandez from Historic Westside Gardens and learn more about project collaborations in Atlanta.  9:30 AM - 10:30 AM (EST) The Architecture (N) Building - The Pit
      Marietta Campus 

      640 Polytechnic Ln, Marietta, GA 30060

      Kennesaw State University

      *Vistor Parking Deck (P60): 1100 South Marietta Pkwy SE

      Greater Atlanta Community Science Collaboratory

      Research Center for Sustainable Communities (RCSC)

      Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized by Further Info



      REFLECTIONS: Honoring the Past

      Health and Wellness

      Arts, culture, and wellness are integral partners in the realization of healthier, more equitable lives for populations everywhere. As such, the arts are increasingly being included in health sciences education to improve providers’ diagnostic tools, empathy, resilience, and communication skills. Contemplative and impactful interactions with art, both via temporary exhibitions and museum collections, and the opportunities of interdisciplinary work between museum educators, art educators, and medical school partners envisioning meaningful collaborations is of great interest.

      This careful selection of works from the ZMA permanent collection considers the potential impact that learning organized around engagement with art can serve to enable a reconsideration of museum-based learning and how healthcare centers can unite in traditional and speculative programming as holistic centers of collaboration.

      Moreover, developments in the medical/therapy field and the opportunities of cross-disciplinary programming between the professional disciplines of health care and contemporary art museums, and curators envisioning the future of well-being and recovery, as well as processing personal loss and trauma through art museum experiences can be explored. Poignant in its concerns of shared trauma, grief, and loss confronted universally over the past several years, the works on display in this portion of the exhibition offer a platform to discuss and explore the human and sociocultural dimensions of illness, suffering, healing, and healthcare. Thus, illuminating empathy, grief, and loss as shared universal themes.

      Works specifically addressing these themes, among others on display, include:

      The Aftermath of Katrina: a Church and a Home, by African American artist Willie Birch documents the devasting loss of both a home and a place of worship and beckons viewers to consider how does one recover from such loss? How does one rebuild their life, their home, their community? How does one find the strength to do so?

      Grief is compellingly portrayed in the silkscreen print, I wish I could, by Russian artist Alexander Djikia. This work illustrates a man contemplating how the loss of life on 9/11 could have been prevented if only he could have built the twin towers differently as depicted in this artwork—if the planes could have flown through constructed openings of the buildings such devastation might not have occurred.

      Ukrainian artist Pavel Makov depicts toy soldiers as the main characters in his prints titled Soldiers I and Soldiers II. Although the artist chose a simple toy he played with as a child, given the context of current grim realities, one considers how this object is now viewed very differently.

      10:00 AM - 5:00 PM



      492 Prillaman Way, Kennesaw, GA 30144 

      The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA)

      The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA), Kennesaw State University  
    • Event Brief Time Location  Sponsored + Organized by Further Info

      EQUINOX_ Career Pathways>

      Career Connections: Sustainability 

      Discover the different paths you can take within different fields. Join us to meet a variety of companies that involve work in diverse sustainability areas. Map out your interests and major in real-world industries and begin charting your future career direction. All majors are encouraged to attend this interdisciplinary event.


      • Welcome & Company Introductions (10 - 15 minutes) 
      • Panel Questions (15 minutes) 
      • Networking (30 minutes) 

      Note: Individuals without Handshake access can contact us directly for obtaining the Zoom details.

      12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (EST) Platform: VIRTUAL Department of Career Planning and Development  
      Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info

      EQUINOX_ Career Pathways>

      Career Connections: Sustainability 

      Discover the different paths you can take within different fields. Join us to meet a variety of companies that involve work in diverse sustainability areas. Map out your interests and major in real-world industries and begin charting your future career direction. All majors are encouraged to attend this interdisciplinary event.


      • Welcome & Company Introductions (10 - 15 minutes) 
      • Panel Questions (15 minutes) 
      • Networking (30 minutes) 

      Note: Individuals without Handshake access can contact us directly for obtaining the Zoom details.

      12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (EST) Platform: VIRTUAL Department of Career Planning and Development  
      Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info

      CARE Services & MUST Ministries: Mobile FOOD Pantry

      Stop by for a FREE POP-UP FOOD GIVE-AWAY with the MUST Ministries Mobile Food Pantry! Free packaged groceries and fresh produce will be available to KSU students, faculty, and staff. Please be sure to bring a backpack/cart/suitcase to help you transport 20lbs of items to your vehicle or home. 

      NOTE: Registration only needs to be done once to attend all mobile pantry events.

      1:00 pm - 2:30 pm (EST) Campus Green 

      (between Kennesaw Hall and the Siegel Recreation Center)

      Kennesaw State University

      Campus Awareness, Resource & Empowerment (CARE) Services 

      MUST Ministries Mobile Food Pantry

      Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info


      REFLECTIONS: Honoring the Past

      Health and Wellness
      Arts, culture, and wellness are integral partners in the realization of healthier, more equitable lives for populations everywhere. As such, the arts are increasingly being included in health sciences education to improve providers’ diagnostic tools, empathy, resilience, and communication skills. Contemplative and impactful interactions with art, both via temporary exhibitions and museum collections, and the opportunities of interdisciplinary work between museum educators, art educators, and medical school partners envisioning meaningful collaborations is of great interest.This careful selection of works from the ZMA permanent collection considers the potential impact that learning organized around engagement with art can serve to enable a reconsideration of museum-based learning and how healthcare centers can unite in traditional and speculative programming as holistic centers of collaboration.Moreover, developments in the medical/therapy field and the opportunities of cross-disciplinary programming between the professional disciplines of health care and contemporary art museums, and curators envisioning the future of well-being and recovery, as well as processing personal loss and trauma through art museum experiences can be explored. Poignant in its concerns of shared trauma, grief, and loss confronted universally over the past several years, the works on display in this portion of the exhibition offer a platform to discuss and explore the human and sociocultural dimensions of illness, suffering, healing, and healthcare. Thus, illuminating empathy, grief, and loss as shared universal themes.Works specifically addressing these themes, among others on display, include:The Aftermath of Katrina: a Church and a Home, by African American artist Willie Birch documents the devasting loss of both a home and a place of worship and beckons viewers to consider how does one recover from such loss? How does one rebuild their life, their home, their community? How does one find the strength to do so?Grief is compellingly portrayed in the silkscreen print, I wish I could, by Russian artist Alexander Djikia. This work illustrates a man contemplating how the loss of life on 9/11 could have been prevented if only he could have built the twin towers differently as depicted in this artwork—if the planes could have flown through constructed openings of the buildings such devastation might not have occurred.Ukrainian artist Pavel Makov depicts toy soldiers as the main characters in his prints titled Soldiers I and Soldiers II. Although the artist chose a simple toy he played with as a child, given the context of current grim realities, one considers how this object is now viewed very differently. 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

      492 Prillaman Way, Kennesaw, GA 30144

      The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA)
      The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA), Kennesaw State University  
    • Event Brief Time Location Sponsored + Organized By Further Info


      Atlanta Declaration on SDG Education and Research

      This initial phase draft would serve as the first step to preparing an Atlanta Declaration on SDGs Education and Research within a multi-institutional collaborative context. 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm (EST)

      Kendeda Building

      422 Ferst Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30313

      Georgia Institute of Technology

      Join Zoom Meeting

      Meeting ID: 919 8095 1131

      Passcode: 767612

      The RCE Greater Atlanta - Higher Education Learning Community (HELC) Want to be a rapporteur?


  • 7th Annual EQUINOX: UN SDGs Week

    The annual EQUINOX Symposium is focused on the interconnected Sustainable Development Goals to catalyze interdisciplinary partnership and scholarship on sustainability with international, regional, and local speakers, and attendees. A multi-sponsored platform, the EQUINOX brings together institutions of higher education, professionals, policymakers, stakeholders, community members, and advocates. 


    10:00 AM - 3:00 PM (EST)


    Platform: VIRTUAL Research Center for Sustainable Communities (RCSC), Office of Research, College of Architecture + Construction Management, Global Education, The Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art (ZMA), Kennesaw State University; HERCULES Exposome Research Center, Emory University; Center for Serve-Learn-Sustain (SLS), Georgia Institute of Technology; Higher Education Learning Community (HELC) Action Group, Community of Practice for Community-Academic Partnerships, Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development, Greater Atlanta, acknowledged by the United Nations University.


    Registration: The event is open to all. The registration is free but is required to receive the symposium link.

    • RSVP by Feb 27th

    Career Connections: Sustainability

    Discover the different paths you can take within different fields. Join us to meet a variety of companies that involve work in diverse sustainability areas. Map out your interests and major in real-world industries andbegin charting your future career direction. All majors are encouraged to attend this interdisciplinary event.


    • Welcome & Company Introductions (10 -15 Minutes)
    • Panel Questions (15 Minutes)
    • Networking (30 Minutes)

    BUSA Students participating in this session may obtain credit for their course. Attendance will be recorded. (See the "Suitable" app for details).

    Note: Individuals without Handshake access can contact us directly for obtaining the Zoom details.


    12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EST)


    Platform: VIRTUAL The Department of Career Planning and Development



    KSU Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) Approaches In Promoting Sustainable Manufacturing | Moderated Panel

    The KSU Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) providesenergy and sustainability assessment for small-and medium-sized industrial facilitiesin order to help local industries become more energy efficient, smart, resilient, and sustainable. The findings of last year's assessments will be reviewed during this moderatedpanel.


    12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EST)


    Platform: VIRTUAL KSU Industrial Assessment Center; Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology; Southface Institute

    MS Team Link: 
    Join on your computer, mobile app or room device 

    • Join the meeting 
      Meeting ID: 259 155 795 801 
      Passcode: qKUJwB
    • Join on the web
    • Call in (audio only) +1 470-648-2566, 83855116# United States, Atlanta
      • Phone Conference ID: 838 551 16# 



    Peer Health Owls: Safe Spring Break

    Join us to chat with the Peer Health OWLs and other campus partners for fun and games and information on how to stay safe this Spring Break.

    Perks: Free Food

    2:00 PM - 5:00 PM(EST) Campus Green

    Health promotion and Wellness




    CARE Services & MUST Ministries: Mobile FOOD Pantry

    Stop by for a FREE POP-UP FOOD GIVE-AWAY with the MUST Ministries Mobile Food Pantry! Free packaged groceries and fresh produce will be available to KSU students, faculty, and staff. Please be sure to bring a backpack/cart/suitcase to help you transport 20lbs of items to your vehicle or home.

    NOTE: Registration only needs to be done once to attend all mobile pantry events.

    2:30 PM – 4:00 PM (EST) Campus Green (between Kennesaw Hall and the Siegel Recreation Center) Campus Awareness, Resource & Empowerment (CARE) Services, MUST Ministries Mobile Food Pantry

    Spatio-Semantic Modeling of Socio-Economic and Health Disparities 

    10:30 - 11:00 am, followed by 15 min Q&A ARCH N 175, Marietta Campus, KSU

    Armita Davarpanah. PhD.
    Assistant Professor, Environmental & Health Sciences Program, Spelman College

    Dr. Davarpanah presents her work on social and spatial proximity modeling of environmental justice and health in Proctor Creek, one of the most economically depressed and vulnerable watersheds in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. She also describes semantic modeling of environmental justice in an ontology related in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


    SDG Futures Fellowship EQUINOX Showcase

    Join us at 11:30 AM to hear brief presentations on each project and to give community feedback to the fellows to enhance their final deliverables. KSU Center, Kennesaw Campus
    1000 Chastain Rd NW, Kennesaw, GA 30144
    KSU Global Education, RCE Greater Atlanta, Georgia Tech’s Center for Serve-Learn-Sustain.

    RCE Greater Atlanta's "SDG Futures Fellowship" aim is to increase education about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) through youth leadership, community engagement, and professional development. The 20+ fellows in this inaugural cohort represent a wide variety of backgrounds and come from 9 Greater Atlanta Higher Education Institutions. The fellows have worked closely with community organizations and partners to build projects focused on sustainable development and equity in the region and around the world.  Please join us on March 3rd at 11:30AM to hear brief presentations on each project and to give community feedback to the fellows to enhance their final deliverables.



    KSU Mini Pavilion

    A virtual tour of the installation/exhibition of the KSU Mini Pavilion will give an overview of the project and current updates of its development and mission.

    1:30 PM PIT Area, Architecture N Building M Campus, KSU The College of Architecture and Construction Management



    3D Printing for Sustainability

    In-person session. Learn to design and print your own object via 3D printing. No prior experience necessary. We will explore the technology through hands-on experience and talk about the implications for sustainability via waste reduction, timely production, and precise mass customization. You will learn about the potential of this revolutionary emerging technology.

    3:30 PM - 4:30 PM (EST) Room 465, 4th Floor, the Burruss Building Modular Agile Deployment (MAD) Lab, Coles College of Business
  • Coming Soon.
  • Coming Soon.
  • EQUINOX Symposium: UN SDGs

    Date: Mar 20, 2019 | 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
    Location: Design 2 Building (I2), Auditorium | Marietta Campus



    Date: Mar 18, 2019 | 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
    Location: Carmichael Student Center, Room CDE | Kennesaw Campus

    View 2019 Forum Schedule


    United Nation + National Days/Themes

    March 20th
    • UN International Day of Happiness (well-being)
    March 21st
    • Solar Spring EQUINOX
    • UN International Day of Nowruz -- an ancestral festivity marking the New Year of several nations around the world
    • UN International Day of Forests
    • UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
    • UNESCO World Poetry Day
    March 22nd
    • UN International Day of Water
    March 23rd
    • UN World Meteorological Day
    • National Energy Education Day


    Date: Mar 18 – Mar 28, 2019
    Location: Architecture Building (N), Gallery | Marietta Campus

  • Tuesday, March 20

    UN International Day of Happiness
    Architecture Building (N), PIT & Gallery | Marietta Campus | 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

    • Opening: EQUINOX_Exhibit
    • EQUINOX Lecture Series: Happiness
    • Tour: Campus Sustainability


    Wednesday, March 21

    UN Day of Forest, Racial Discrimination Elimination, Poetry, Nowruz
    Sponsored by: Office of Diversity and Inclusion

    Prillaman Hall, Indoor Plaza | Kennesaw Campus | 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

    • EQUINOX SYMPOSIUM: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
    • Farmers Market Spring Festival


    Thursday, March 22

    UN Day of Water
    Science Building, Room 302 & Campus Green | Kennesaw Campus | 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

    • EQUINOX Lecture Series: Water
    • The Oasis
    • Campus Sustainability Tour
    • Event: KSU OwlSwap Location: Campus Green


    Friday, March 23

    National Energy Education Day
    Architecture Building (N), PIT + Gallery | Marietta Campus | 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

    • EQUINOX Forum: Energy and Built Environment
    • Tour: Solar Energy on Campus


    Saturday, March 24

    Earth HOUR
    Austin Residence Complex II: Green | Kennesaw Campus | 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

    • Global Climate Change Action


    March 21 - 27
    • UN Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination


    View 2018 Forum Schedule View 2018 Exhibition Schedule
  • Coming Soon.