Comprehensive Insights into KSU Data
Explore key data and metrics about Kennesaw State, sourced from the KSU Fact Book and other aggregated information. This detailed resource provides valuable insights into admissions, enrollment, faculty, diversity, degree conferral, retention, and much more—offering a complete snapshot of the university's academic and community profile.
This information is primarily sourced and is publicly available.
Credit Hours
- Enrollment Profile
- Preliminary and Census Enrollment
- Enrollment by Class
- Characteristics of Enrolled Students by Class
- Enrollment by College
- Enrollment by College and Gender
- Enrollment by College and Race/Ethnicity
- Enrollment by College and Full/Part Time
- Enrolled International Students by Country of Origin
- Enrollment by State of Origin and Student Level
- Distribution of Total Enrollment by State of Origin
- Enrollment by County of Origin and Student Level
- Distribution of Enrolled Georgia Residents by County
- Popular Undergraduate Degree Majors
- Honors College Enrollment
Faculty / Staff
- Full-time Instructional Faculty by Rank and Ethnicity
- Full-time Instructional Faculty by Age Range and Rank
- Highest Earned Degrees of Full-Time Instructional Faculty by Rank
- University Employees by IPEDS Occupational Classification
- University Employees by IPEDS Occupational Classification and Race-Ethnicity
- University Employees by IPEDS Occupational Classification and Gender