Bridging STEM Accessibility Gaps

Creating accessible instructional content and assessments can be challenging for any course, but STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) courses requiring the use of complex mathematical equations, scientific formulas, or special symbols can make the challenges more difficult. Some of these challenges require subject-specific solutions.

On this page, our goal is simply to point KSU STEM faculty to external articles, modules, training, and resources that are available. We plan to continue updating this page, so if there are resources you have found helpful, or something you would like us to help you find, please let us know through our General Inquiry form.

General Inquiry form


Access Advance: Overview of program promoting the participation and advancement of faculty with disabilities in STEM fields

Access Cyberlearning: Overview and resources from program for increasing diversity, including disability, in digital learning

Access Includes Initiative: Extensive DO-IT resources for students and faculty in multiple STEM fields promoting the inclusion of students with disabilities

Accessible Labs: Resource presenting two approaches to creating accessibility in STEM labs

Audio Descriptions: Instructions for using Kaltura MediaSpace to make demonstration and lab videos more accessible for students with visual disabilities

Equations and Formulas in D2L: Web page describing how to use D2L's math editor to create MathML, LaTex, Chemistry, and Graphical equations

Equitable STEM Instruction and Assessment: Research report outlining accessibility and fairness considerations for special populations

Georgia STEM Accessibility Alliance: Collaborative research report from National Science Foundation Award abstract resulting in over 20 publications

Independence Science: Resource seeking to "promote the full integration of blind and low vision students...into hands-on science laboratory learning experiences

Making Math, Science, and Technology Instruction Accessible to Students with Disabilities:Study on accessibility in STEM field classes, including broad strategies and early resources

Making STEM Accessible: Extensive articles and resources from ADCET (Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training)

PhET Accessible Simulations: Research-based interactive computer simulations and demonstrations for many STEM topics

Public STEM Accessibility: Lesson from the California Community Colleges Accessibility Center that includes basic training on math language and dozens of other resources

Zero Barriers in STEM Education: Workbook resource for K-12 from the Smithsonian Science Education Center