Get Accessibility Training

Kennesaw State University's Digital Learning Innovations (DLI) provides training resources on accessibility and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). These include microlearning videos, self-paced professional development modules, and instructor-led, three-week online workshops.  

For our self-paced PDs and three-week workshops, participants can earn digital credentials (badges) documenting your new skills.  These can be shared via social media such as LinkedIn, or added to your portfolio or digital resume!

Browse our accessibility training resources below!

Accessible Teaching Essentials badge, Activating Universal Design for learning and KSU Web Accessibility certificates

Graduate student working on a laptop in a virtual environment clicking on an e-book


  • Our brief video Finding and Using Accessibility Statements will show you what an accessibility statement is and how you can find the accessibility statements you need for your course. 
  • The Finding and Using VPATs video introduces faculty to the purpose of a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), how to find them, and how to share them in their course. 

Self-Paced PDs

Instructor-Led Workshops

  • Accessible Teaching Essentials (ATE) is a three-week, online workshop designed to fit easily into a hectic teaching schedule—in fact, you’ll only need 2-3 hours per week to complete it!   It is written for faculty who are new to the topic of accessibility, introducing them to the issues at stake, providing an approachable structure for making their course content accessible, showing them how to check course content for accessibility, and providing training and resources for creating accessible course content.
  • The Accessible Web Essentials (AWE) workshop is a self-paced three-module workshop for public-facing web content creators. The workshop provides resources and experiences to demonstrate web accessibility, detailed instructions on how to make content accessible, and practice creating accessible documents and media. Participants earn digital credentials as they complete each unit culminating in a digital certificate. A simple refresher video and quiz are all that is required to renew the certificate yearly. 
  • The UDL Experience (UDLEX) is a three-week workshop designed to give Kennesaw State faculty an opportunity to collaborate on applying UDL principles to course lessons, content, activities, and assessments.  This workshop assumes that faculty who attend already have a basic working knowledge of Universal Design for Learning and want to learn more about how to use it in their own course.