Report Your Student Learning Outcome Data
If the AoL and APR schedule indicates that you have AoL Results due this year, then please use the AoL Results Only Guide to complete the Results Only Form.
What results should I report?
- For results due in March 2025, report the results for the PSLOs and student success outcome you collected data
on during the previous academic year (2023-2024) or calendar year (2024).
- For results due in March 2026, programs will need to report the results for all PSLOs and one student success outcome. Data collection on all PSLOs should start in spring 2025 so that results for all PSLOs can be reported in March 2026.
- For results due in March 2025, report the results for the PSLOs and student success outcome you collected data
on during the previous academic year (2023-2024) or calendar year (2024).
How should I format my results?
As indicated in the Results Only Form, please complete the following:
For the March 2025 submission of Results Only, programs will report on the two PSLOs that were addressed in their Spring 2024 AoL report. Utilize the Results Only Guide as you complete this form.
The data reported should be from Spring 2024, Summer 2024 and Fall 2024. Refer to the program’s Spring 2024 AoL Report to complete sections 1 and 2 below.- Directions: For the two PSLOs, use the tables provided to complete the following:
- Enter the PSLO statement in the spaces provided.
- Methods & Measures:
- Identify the assessment tool
- Identify if the measure is direct or indirect
- Include the course, assignment name and source of data (specific exam questions, rubric items, survey items etc.)
- Describe the metric (i.e. % correct, mean score, median score, etc.)
Year(s) and semester(s) data was collected
- Results:
Briefly interpret the results from this past year for each measure. Include any table and/or graphs in the results. Discuss what the results tell you about student achievement for this outcome.
- Directions: For the two PSLOs, use the tables provided to complete the following:
What if I have results due but do not have any results to report?
New programs and other programs that do not have any students currently enrolled may not have results to report; HOWEVER, these programs are still expected to submit the Results Only form that shows missing data. Please create your program’s data table with all pertinent information (PSLO’s, assessment measures, description of the sample) where data will be collected/analyzed and insert “ND” (no data) in the appropriate areas of the table. Add a note below the table that explains why there is no data.