Crafting an Assessment of Learning Report
An AoL (Assessment of Learning) report must include several key components to ensure a comprehensive assessment of a program’s student learning outcomes (PSLOs). The following information is a guide for what should be included in an assessment of learning report, what to do in case of special circumstances, how to submit required documents, and when submission from faculty is due!
What Needs to be Included in an AoL Report?
- List of all PSLOs and a curriculum map demonstrating where each PSLO is addressed
and assessed.
- Description of the methods and measures used to assess your PSLOs.
- Results from the past 3-4 years with a discussion/interpretation of the trends over
- A discussion of specific strategies for improvement implemented over the past 3-4 years and the strategies for improvement the program
plans to implement in the future.
APPENDIX: All rubrics, test items, and other measures must be included either in the Measures
section or in the Appendix of the report.
- Please do not upload multiple documents.
- Only one document will be accepted.
- Please clearly label all items in the Appendix (i.e., “SLO1 – Measure 1”).
- Screenshots work best; copy and paste the image into the Word document.
Special Circumstances for Select Accredited Programs
If your program has a specialized accreditation and the self-study report includes multiple years of assessment results for all PSLOs (using reliable and valid measures) as well as strategies for improving student learning, then the reporting schedule may indicate that your program is expected to submit the most recent self-study and/or any mid-cycle reports in lieu of using the report template above. Please check the reporting schedule to see what is due for your program.
PLEASE NOTE: The assessment report and/or specialized accreditation self-study serve as evidence of assessment and continuous improvement for KSU's SACSCOC accreditation (Standard 8.2).
How do I Submit the Results, Report, or Self-Study Documentation?
The report or self-study is submitted to our Assessment Office using a simple report submission form from SmartSheet that will be emailed to program coordinators in August.
When are the Plans, Results, Reports, or Self-Study Documents Due?
All assessment reporting (assessment plan, results, report, or self-study documentation)
is due on March 17.