The theoretical particle physics group at Kennesaw State University (KSU) has research interests in perturbative QCD calculations and resummations, top quark and Higgs physics, parton distribution functions, Monte Carlo event generators, beyond the Standard Model physics, and other topics in high-energy collider phenomenology.
Group publications
- National Science Foundation, N. Kidonakis (PI) and M. Guzzi (co-PI), Grant PHY 2412071, “Theoretical Calculations for Particle Physics at Hadron Colliders,” August 2024-July 2027, $360,000
- National Science Foundation, A. Papaefstathiou (PI), Grant PHY 2210161, "Deciphering Electro-Weak Scale Physics at Particle Colliders," August 2022-July 2025, $147,051
- National Science Foundation, N. Kidonakis (PI) and M. Guzzi (co-PI), Grant PHY 2112025, “Particle Theory for High-Energy Collider Physics,” September 2021-August 2024, $300,000
- National Science Foundation, N. Kidonakis (PI), Grant PHY 1820795, "Particle Theory for LHC Physics," September 2018-August 2021, $180,000
- National Science Foundation, M. Guzzi (PI), Grant PHY 1820818, “Precision theory at the LHC: strong interaction dynamics and new physics searches”, September 2018-August 2021, $108,830
- National Science Foundation, N. Kidonakis (PI), Grant PHY 1519606, "High-order Calculations for Top Quark and Higgs Production," September 2015-August 2018, $150,000
- National Science Foundation, N. Kidonakis (PI), Grant PHY 1212472, "Differential and Total Cross Sections for Top Quark Production and other Processes at the LHC," August 2012-July 2015, $120,000
- National Science Foundation, N. Kidonakis (PI), Grant PHY 0855421, "Collinear and Soft Gluon Corrections in Top Quark and Higgs Processes at the LHC and the Tevatron," July 2009-June 2012, $120,000
- National Science Foundation, N. Kidonakis (PI), Grant PHY 0555372, "Top Quark and Higgs Physics, and Two-Loop Calculations," July 2006-June 2009, $100,923
Faculty Who Specialize In This Research
Marco Guzzi Associate Professor of Theoretical Particle Physics
Associate Professor of Theoretical Particle Physics
Visit Website
(470) 578-4783
SC 436 -
Nikolaos Kidonakis Professor of Physics
Andreas Papaefstathiou Assistant Professor of Physics
Postdoctoral Researchers
Alberto Tonero Affiliate Non-Compensated, Postdoctoral Continuance
Affiliate Non-Compensated, Postdoctoral Continuance
(470) 578-2107
SC 439