Early Career Option

College seniors and recent graduates now have the option to apply for entrance into the Coles College Evening MBA Program. 

Early career candidates are identified as those with less than 2 years of full-time, post-undergraduate work experience. If you are eager to enroll in an MBA program at an early stage of your career, Coles College welcomes your application for admission.

At The Coles College, early career MBA students learn side-by-side with more experienced professionals. MBA classes are offered in the evening, allowing ECO students to progress in their career on a full time basis, while earning their KSU MBA part-time and in as little as 17months.

Key Benefits of an Early Career MBA?

With more years to reap the financial and professional benefits of your MBA, the return on investment can be the greatest by obtaining your MBA early in your career.

With an Early Career MBA you can:

  • Enjoy higher salaries than colleagues holding only a Bachelor’s degree
  • Build your résumé through projects and work experience while you complete your MBA degree.
  • Get the in-depth knowledge and cross-functional understanding of management needed to succeed in professional positions
  • Develop the behaviors, functional and soft skills employers are seeking
  • Gain the help of career services to identify your professional career goals and support your career
  • Build a lifelong network of experienced colleagues and mentors

For more information on qualifying for the GMAT waiver or for information on our fully reimbursable GMAT Prep course, contact ksumba@kennesaw.edu.

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