Meet the Newest Members of Sigma Lambda Chi

KENNESAW, Ga. | Oct 24, 2019

The newest members of the Sigma Lambda Chi (SLC) Construction Honor Society of the Kennesaw State University RHO II Chapter were inducted on Friday evening October 18th. KSU faculty, alumni, family and friends joined in the induction celebration of the chapter’s newest members. SLC is an international construction honor society whose fundamental purpose is to recognize outstanding students in the field of construction. In addition to recognizing individuals, the chapter provides service to their fellow students, programs, university, community, and the construction industry. 

lambo chi memebers in group photo

Pictured (left to right): Myles Cardenas (alumni), Anthony McCoy, Joseph Jibreen, Keaton Wimbish, Anna Kane, Prof. Irish Horsey (faculty advisor), Sarah Barr, Cory Reeves, Nigel Thomas, Mason Raburn (alumni)

 “Membership in SLC is a prestigious honor reserved for students who excel in the construction management curricula. These students represent the upper 20% of scholastic performance and should be recognized for such an achievement,” stated Prof. Horsey, faculty advisor. The newest inductees for far Fall 2019 are Sarah Barr, Joseph Jibreen, Anna Kane, Anthony McCoy, Adam Minor, Cory Reeves, Nigel Thomas and Keaton Wimbish.


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