KENNESAW, Ga. | Apr 25, 2018
Ms. Garg presented a paper entitled "EarthCraft Homes Costs more than Conventional Homes". The objective of this study was to identify the construction cost differential between EarthCraft and conventional homes, and included a comparison of projects completed by the EarthCraft homebuilders and conventional builders. Mr. Woldemichael presented a paper entitled "Unions Electrical Workers are not Against Prefabrication". The study identified the best practices for prefabrication feasible for electrical workers who are part of unions.
Dr. Siddiqi presented a paper entitled "Best Practices for Attracting and Retaining Female Construction Project Managers" and shared the findings on gender differences for retaining for construction organizations. The paper was co-authored by Casey Stockbridge, who graduated in December 2017 from KSU’s Construction Management Graduate Program. The third author of this study was Tom Jollay from Bennett Thrasher accounting firm.
The fourth paper presented by KSU at the conference was "Barriers to Net Zero Housing in the US", co-authored with Faiza Mahdi, who is also a graduate of KSU's Construction Management program and works in the construction industry. The objective of this study was to identify the major barriers to large-scale adoption of Passive Housing concept in the United States.
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