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Associate Professor Martin-Malikian selected for limited term leadership role at Arcosanti
December 01, 2021
We are pleased to announce that Associate Professor Elizabeth (Liz) Martin-Malikian has been appointed to a limited term leadership role at the Consanti Foundation, fulfilling the duties of CEO & Executive Director.
Architecture Professor returns from visiting scholar position
December 01, 2021
The department of Architecture welcomes back Dr. William Carpenter, FAIA, as he returns from his visiting scholar position at the Texas A&M University College of Architecture.
Dr. Sanjeev Adhikari presented and published five papers at ASC
December 01, 2021
Dr. Sanjeev Adhikari is faculty in the Construction Management program here at Kennesaw State University, and he joined KSU in 2019. He has presented and published five papers at the Associated School of Construction (ASC).
Cierra Danforth Receives 2020-2021 NAHB Outstanding Student Award
November 01, 2021
Cierra Danforth is currently a junior in the Construction Management program here at Kennesaw State University and the president of our NAHB student chapter.
New Shop Supervisor Joins the Team
October 01, 2021
Shop Supervisor, Justin Wilson, a native of Atlanta, GA, received his Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree in Three Dimensional Design from Georgia Southern University and a Master's of Science in Digital Design and Fabrication from Georgia Institute of Technology.
Chair of the Department of Architecture
October 01, 2021
Kennesaw State University is now accepting applications for a tenured faculty position as Professor and Chair of the Department of Architecture in the College of Architecture and Construction Management.
Architecture Students selected for the 2021-2022 ULI Etkin Scholars Program
October 01, 2021
After a nationwide search, the Urban Land Institute (ULI) has selected 15-25 students to participate in the inaugural cohort of the Etkin Scholars Program.
Members of KSU Women in Construction Give Back
October 01, 2021
Members of the KSU Women in Construction (K.W.I.C.) student organization recently participated in the Furniture Bank of Metro Atlanta Construction Challenge.
CM Alum Receives Most Admired CEO Award
September 01, 2021
Brent Scarbrough of Brent Scarbrough & Company was recently honored by the Atlanta Business Chronicle at the 2020 Most Admired CEOs virtual event.
Katerra Construction Company Hosts KSU CM Students
August 01, 2021
Students from Professor Michael Collins’ CM 3110 Residential and Light Construction class recently visited one of the Katerra Construction Company’s project sites. Professor Collins felt his students would gain invaluable insight on the materials and methods of construction by visiting a construction site and worked with Katerra’s staff to coordinate the visit.